RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rspec-given Latest version of the following gems require rspec-given

resourcerer 2.0.4

Define resources to automatically find a record and assign its attributes.

38 080 Téléchargements

company_scope 1.0

A simple solution for Rails Multi Tenancy based on Active Record Default Scopes.

37 345 Téléchargements

encapsulate_as_money 0.3

Represent model attributes as Money instances

37 336 Téléchargements

action_commander 1.0.16

The action template with the callbacks support

36 880 Téléchargements

types_from_serializers 2.1.0

types_from_serializers helps you by automatically generating TypeScript interfaces for ...

36 326 Téléchargements

cute_print 1.4.0

cute_print writes debug output to stderr. Optionally prints the source filename and li...

36 051 Téléchargements

better_settings 1.0.2

Settings solution for Ruby or Rails applications that can read ERB-enabled YAML files. ...

35 311 Téléchargements

orcid 0.9.1

A Rails engine for integration.

33 727 Téléchargements

presenter_rails 3.0.0

Presenter helps you expose view models to your views with a declarative approach.

33 314 Téléchargements

pakiderm 2.0.1

Pakiderm is a simple module that encapsulates a modern memoization technique.

31 770 Téléchargements

upcloudify 0.3.3

Upcloudify simplifies the process for uploading attachments t...

31 154 Téléchargements

text2048 0.10.2

Text mode 2048 game in Ruby.

30 137 Téléchargements

guard-preek 0.0.9

Guard for refactoring, view code smells in color using Preek

29 663 Téléchargements

scrambler 0.1.2

Scrambler for cubes and other puzzles

28 323 Téléchargements

cliprompt 0.1.2

This library provides a simple DSL for managing user interaction in a CLI application.

27 172 Téléchargements

connectator 0.0.8

This gem lets you make connections to multiple kinds of DBMS systems through DBI

26 939 Téléchargements

ripplr 1.0.2.rc

Ripplr provides a lower barrier to entry for developers wishing to migrate to Riak. Rip...

26 635 Téléchargements

squares 0.3.1

[*] Lightweight ORM backed by any hash-like storage: Redis, LevelDB or plain old hashes.

25 276 Téléchargements

state_objects 0.9.2

'State' Design Pattern from the Gang of Four book. Many other state machines focus on ...

24 918 Téléchargements

cucumber-salad 0.4.0


24 768 Téléchargements

kosapi_client 0.14.1

REST client for KOSapi service

24 464 Téléchargements


domain_driven provides Rails abstract classes and generators to support for a Domain Dr...

23 033 Téléchargements

usercycle 0.1.4

Ruby library for integrating with the USERcycle API

22 105 Téléchargements

capybara-ui 1.3.0

Capybara-UI (formerly called Dill) is a Capybara abstraction that makes it easy to defi...

22 102 Téléchargements

click 0.2.0

A tool to help track down the source of an object leak in a Ruby process

21 811 Téléchargements

monet 0.3.1

Monet is a web UI change comparer.

21 442 Téléchargements

servme 0.2.0

a simple test server for stubbing API responses

19 514 Téléchargements

mobilify 1.2.1

page-object methods invoked with one call but defined contextually

17 208 Téléchargements

securer_randomer 0.1.8

This gem is deprecated. Please use sysrandom instead.

16 656 Téléchargements

hybridgroup-argus 0.5.1

Argus is a Ruby interface to a Parrot AR Drone quadcopter.Argus is extremely experiment...

16 382 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 634 139

Pour cette version 205 254



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.2
