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ruby-debugの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はruby-debugを必要としています

tabula-extractor 0.8.0

extract tables from PDF files

47,918 ダウンロード数

ghost_reader 1.2.3

i18n backend to ghost_writer service

46,273 ダウンロード数

xml_mapper 0.5.8

Declarative XML to Ruby mapping

45,127 ダウンロード数

a_a_n 0.2.6

Whenever you need assign an association by its attribute, like name, this gem comes to...

44,980 ダウンロード数

tangerine 0.6.2

Ooyala Backlot API Wrapper. Read more about the Ooyala Backlot API at http://www.ooyala...

43,892 ダウンロード数

stead 0.0.16

Converts CSV files of a specific schema into EAD XML.

43,851 ダウンロード数

hypertemplate 1.2.2

A template engine that generates hypermedia enbabled media types representations

42,114 ダウンロード数

acts_as_audited_collection 1.0.2

Adds auditing capabilities to ActiveRecord associations, in a similar fashion to acts_a...

41,115 ダウンロード数

roachclip 0.3.2

Let you upload images and have use paperclip's hotness to post process them

40,444 ダウンロード数

GUnit 0.3.5

GUnit is a fresh new XUnit Test implementation, poppin' a cap in the ass of TestUnit. J...

39,048 ダウンロード数

tokamak 1.2.1

A template handler that generates several media types representations, from a simple DSL

37,848 ダウンロード数

radiant-layouts-extension 1.1.3

Extends Radiant Layouts to support nesting, sharing with Rails Controllers and renderin...

37,683 ダウンロード数

adhd 0.1.3

More to say when something works! Do not bother installing this!

36,702 ダウンロード数

benchmark_harness 0.1.3

harness for running benchmark multiple times and running stats on the results

35,604 ダウンロード数

budurl 0.0.1

Supported operations include shrinking, expanding, and counting clicks.

35,354 ダウンロード数

id_please 0.8.0

Access control gem

34,553 ダウンロード数

averager 0.2.1

RubyGem to track long running processes.

34,268 ダウンロード数

cheddargetter_client_ruby 0.3.2

A CheddarGetter API wrapper for Ruby

33,636 ダウンロード数

outoftime-sunspot_rails 0.10.5

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

33,602 ダウンロード数

leadtune 0.0.9

LeadTune Ruby API Gem

32,622 ダウンロード数

kalipso 0.1.8

A full library for interactiing with your sites using kalipso

32,217 ダウンロード数

shelltoad 0.4.5

Command line interface for hoptoad (

31,664 ダウンロード数

courier 0.2.4

Система управления пользовательскими оповещениями и подписками

31,620 ダウンロード数

shibboleths_lil_helper 1.0.9

See the summary text.

30,949 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

excesselt 1.1.7

I had a lot of XML transformation to do and the requirements kept changing, so I sat do...

30,712 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 2,633,003

このバージョンのみ 149,251



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
