RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para simplecov-rcov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simplecov-rcov

macmillan-utils 1.0.44

A collection of useful patterns we (Springer Nature) use in our Ruby applications.

134.223 Descargas

lws 8.1.1

This library for Ruby provides access to the LeftClick web services/applications using...

127.783 Descargas

trustpilot-business-links 1.1.0

This gem generates Trustpilot Business Generated Links described on https://support.tru...

124.921 Descargas

skydrive 1.2.0

Simple ruby client library for Skydrive cloud storage service with OAuth2

121.228 Descargas

universal-track-manager 0.7.6

Simple, plug & play visitor tracking by user agent (browser), IP address, referrer, and...

117.519 Descargas

ruby_jid 1.0.0

Provides parsing, validation & accessors

94.705 Descargas

u2i-ci_utils 3.2.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

93.875 Descargas

u2i-ci_utils 3.2.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

93.875 Descargas

sidekiq-priority 0.0.6

Prioritize Sidekiq jobs within queues

91.561 Descargas

adhearsion-asterisk 1.5.1

An Adhearsion Plugin providing Asterisk-specific dialplan methods, AMI access, and acce...

85.882 Descargas

wadling 0.1.10

Turns a list of services (REST resources) definitions into a WADL definition

82.149 Descargas

amfetamine 0.4.2

Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!

77.790 Descargas

releaf 3.1.0

Administration interface for Ruby on Rails

75.522 Descargas

quicktravel_client 4.7.0

For integrating with QuickTravel API

73.830 Descargas

elmas 3.1.0

API wrapper for Exact Online

73.483 Descargas

cf-runtime 0.2.0

Cloud Foundry Runtime Library

65.352 Descargas

angus 0.0.14

Angus is a simple and powerful framework to build REST APIs using Ruby.

64.361 Descargas

notifiable-apns-grocer 0.18.3

Notifiable APNS plugin for Grocer

64.323 Descargas

spektrum-log 0.1.4

Read and interpret Spektrum TLM log files.

63.972 Descargas

mina-rollbar 1.0.1

Notify Rollbar of Mina deployments.

62.415 Descargas

bigcommerce-oauth-api 1.4.2

Connect Ruby applications to Bigcommerce APIs through OAuth or basic authentication

62.273 Descargas

brigade-monitor 0.6.1

Ruby gem for something...

62.227 Descargas

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

61.710 Descargas

buildr-hx 0.0.27.pre

Build like you code - now supporting haXe

59.294 Descargas

cassette 1.8.0

Client for generating and validating CAS TGT/STs

58.019 Descargas

jenkinsutil 1.0.72

Gem for managing tasks in CI

57.705 Descargas

nexia_worker_roulette 0.2.9

Pub Sub Queue for Redis that ensures ordered processing

56.038 Descargas

ikazuchi 1.2.1

meta-package of useful gems for rails development

56.000 Descargas

angus-remote 0.0.16

Provides a client for making requests and building responses to remote services.

55.598 Descargas

event_store 0.2.9

["A Ruby implementation of an EventSource (A+ES) tuned for Vertica or Postgres"]

55.594 Descargas

Total de descargas 13.370.227

Para esta versión 124.177



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
