RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for abstract_type Latest version of the following gems require abstract_type

anima 0.3.2

Initialize object attributes via attributes hash

2,205,664 下載

mprelude 0.1.0

Minimal prelude alike classes

999,794 下載

morpher 0.4.2

Domain Transformation Algebra

692,740 下載

yaks 0.13.0

Serialize to hypermedia. HAL, JSON-API, etc.

150,500 下載

axiom 0.2.0

Simplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra

119,993 下載

cognito-client 0.5.4

Unofficial Ruby client for the BlockScore Cognito API

100,448 下載

devtools 0.1.26

A metagem wrapping development tools

97,124 下載

to_source 0.2.20

Transform Rubinius 1.9 AST back to equivalent source code

83,137 下載

vanguard 0.0.5

Library for validating Ruby objects with rich metadata support.

53,265 下載

substation 0.0.11

Implement application boundary interfaces with dedicated classes

49,818 下載

request 0.0.6

HTTP request porofication

47,119 下載

unsound 0.1.3

General functional concepts inspired by Haskell, implemented in Ruby.

40,837 下載

mutest 0.0.10

Mutation testing for ruby

36,946 下載

activerecord_to_poro 0.0.9

Convert ActiveRecord objects to plain old ruby objects and vice versa

32,450 下載

mbj-assets 0.0.11

Playground for a small assets system

28,409 下載

knight 0.0.5

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

14,357 下載

projecter 0.1.4

Projecter - Stub Ruby projects

13,791 下載

aql 0.0.3

The ArangoDB AQL AST. Intended for query generation.

12,239 下載

response 0.0.5

Build rack responses with functional style

12,126 下載

majoun 0.0.4

An HTTP cookie implemented in ruby

11,432 下載

orc 0.0.4

Operation result class

10,257 下載

esearch 0.2.2

Esearch driver for ruby

9,565 下載

rom-relation 0.1.2

Relation schema with mapping for ROM

9,113 下載

axiom-arango-adapter 0.0.2

The ArangoDB axiom adapter

8,200 下載

ducktrap 0.0.2

Invertible data filter/mutator on data structures

8,102 下載

rom-session 0.1.1

Session for ROM

6,425 下載

openai.rb 0.0.7

OpenAI Ruby Wrapper

2,520 下載

總下載次數 25,726,434

這個版本 25,635,781



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