RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour activeresource Latest version of the following gems require activeresource

oauth-active-resource 0.4.7

An OAuth enabled ActiveResource wrapper

82 384 Téléchargements

easy-resources 1.0.2

Define common Active::Resources for Redmine / Easy Redmine and Easy Project entities.

80 828 Téléchargements

mailchimp_api 1.9.0

Consume Mailchimp's API using ActiveResource

77 180 Téléchargements

rubycas-server 1.1.2

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.

76 009 Téléchargements

sk_sdk 0.4.3

Connect your business with SalesKing. This gem gives ruby developers a jump-start for b...

73 418 Téléchargements

elmas 3.1.0

API wrapper for Exact Online

72 827 Téléchargements

rules 1.1.1

Rules engine that allows you to add customizable business rules to any ActiveRecord model.

72 417 Téléchargements

redmine_stagecoach 0.7.8

Git/capistrano workflow automation script with Redmine & Github issue integration

71 995 Téléchargements

pivotal_to_pdf 1.6.0

Convert Pivotal Tracker Stories to 4x6 PDF for printing so that you can stick the card ...

71 580 Téléchargements

velir_kaltura-ruby 0.4.13

Ruby gem for accessing the Kaltura API

70 899 Téléchargements

beanstalkapp 1.6.1

Official wrapper for Beanstalk API.

70 112 Téléchargements

shopifydev 0.1.0

Abstracts out and port to ruby the functionality of the shopify textmate bundle for use...

67 673 Téléchargements

find_as_hashes 0.6.0

Provides ActiveRecord methods to return results as attribute hashes rather than instant...

66 747 Téléchargements

basecamp 0.0.12

Basecamp API wrapper.

65 917 Téléchargements

gridcli 0.1.7

A command line interface to The Grid: Social Networking, Web 0.2

65 906 Téléchargements

renuo-cli 3.1.7

The Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...

65 865 Téléchargements

mite-rb 0.5.4

The official ruby library for interacting with the RESTful mite.api.

64 658 Téléchargements

constant_contact 1.4.0

This is a very ActiveResource-like ruby wrapper to the Constant Contact API.

64 466 Téléchargements

poundpay 0.4.0

Payments platform for marketplaces

63 976 Téléchargements

ddr-core 1.17.0

Models used in the Duke Digital Repository

62 526 Téléchargements

breadboard 1.1.0

Breadboard allows you to define what services your ActiveResource derived classes conne...

62 105 Téléchargements

activeresource-google_spreadsheets 0.3.0

Google Spreadsheets accessor with ActiveResource

62 014 Téléchargements

moy_sklad 1.2

MoySklad API

59 022 Téléchargements

onebody-updateagent 0.6.7

Companion to OneBody that handles sync with external data source.

56 814 Téléchargements

plug 0.1.28

Rails engine that can plug/unplug features with notice

56 113 Téléchargements

simple_youtube 4.0.4

ActiveResource extension to Gdata Youtube API, anonymous Reads, Updates using your API ...

53 105 Téléchargements

iptables-web 0.3.4

Write a longer description. Optional.

51 158 Téléchargements

esp_sdk 2.8.0

SDK for interacting with the ESP API.

48 800 Téléchargements

pivotal-slacker 1.9.5

If you're overwhelmed with or tired of using the Pivotal Tracker web UI, use this!

48 331 Téléchargements

mailee 0.6.3

Permite sincronizar automaticamente seus modelos com o, inclusive com gerenci...

48 229 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 77 089 331

Pour cette version 352 242



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
