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Dépendances inversées pour alchemy_cms Latest version of the following gems require alchemy_cms

alchemy-devise 7.2.0

Devise based user authentication for AlchemyCMS.

94 342 Téléchargements

alchemy-solidus 7.3.1

A AlchemyCMS and Solidus integration

86 067 Téléchargements

alchemy-json_api 2.3.0

A JSONAPI compliant API for AlchemyCMS

54 810 Téléchargements

alchemy-custom-model 3.2

A gem for semplify model implementation with Alchemy CMS

53 141 Téléchargements

alchemy_domains 0.1.1

This gem adds domains and associats them with languages. Your website can provide certa...

50 398 Téléchargements

alchemy-dragonfly-s3 7.0.0

AlchemyCMS Integration for the Dragonfly S3 datastore.

44 414 Téléchargements

alchemy_i18n 4.2.0

Translation files for AlchemyCMS

40 655 Téléchargements

alchemy-richmedia-essences 2.3.0

EssenceAudio and EssenceVideo for AlchemyCMS 4.0

38 274 Téléchargements

alchemy_crm 2.0.5

A fully featured CRM / Newsletter and Mailings Module for Alchemy CMS. Building and sen...

30 331 Téléchargements

alchemy_spree 0.3.0

A Alchemy CMS and Spree connector

29 784 Téléchargements

alchemy-ajax-form 2.1.0

Structure to implement the forms using ajax and management in the backend

22 675 Téléchargements

alchemy_file_selector 0.1.4


15 051 Téléchargements

alchemy-pg_search 5.2.0

PostgreSQL search for Alchemy CMS

12 249 Téléchargements

alchemy-demo_kit 0.0.1

A collection of elements and page layouts that form the Alchemy CMS demo website from h...

5 297 Téléchargements

alchemy_cloudinary 3.0.0

Render AlchemyCMS images directly from cloudinary.

5 013 Téléchargements

alchemy_cms_picture_optim 0.1.1

Lossless optimization of the uploaded images using image_optim (make sure to install al...

4 913 Téléchargements

alchemy-usermanual 0.9.2

This gem adds a user manual module to your alchemy cms driven application.

4 664 Téléchargements

alchemy_kono_mailup 0.0.1

Plugin to integrate mailup into Alchemy

3 088 Téléchargements

alchemy-graphql 0.1.0

Description of Alchemy::GraphQL

2 364 Téléchargements

alchemy-bugsnag 1.1.0

Adds a Bugsnag error notifier to AlchemyCMS.

1 824 Téléchargements

alchemy-airbrake 0.1.0

Adds a Alchemy Airbrake exception notifier.

1 578 Téléchargements

alchemy-crop-image 0.1.0

With this gem you can crop and resize images directly in Alchemy Library and create a n...

1 246 Téléchargements

alchemy-sentry 1.0.0

Adds a Sentry error notifier to AlchemyCMS.

965 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 804 635

Pour cette version 354



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0.0
