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aws-s3の被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はaws-s3を必要としています

imagery 1.0.1

Clean & light interface around GraphicsMagick.

46,048 ダウンロード数

uptime_monitor 0.7.10

A Ragios plugin that uses a real web browser to monitor transactions on a website for a...

46,047 ダウンロード数

sqlup 0.0.13

The author was too lazy to write a description

44,304 ダウンロード数

ey_db_backup 1.2.7

This gem interacts with Amazon's S3 service to give the user the ability to backup thei...

39,685 ダウンロード数

ey_db_backup 1.2.7

This gem interacts with Amazon's S3 service to give the user the ability to backup thei...

39,685 ダウンロード数

jgm-cloudlib 0.3.9

Cloudlib is a ruby library and commands for maintaining a library of books and articles...

38,715 ダウンロード数

niky81-s3rbackup 0.4.1

s3rbackup is a command line program for backing and restore group of directory or file ...

38,081 ダウンロード数

radiant-images-extension 0.6.1

Image Radiant Extension management tool, meant only to be useful to pages and extension...

38,037 ダウンロード数

catptcha 0.1.6

Choose the kitten!

37,369 ダウンロード数

fleximage 1.0.4

Fleximage is a Rails plugin that tries to make image uploading and rendering super easy.

37,136 ダウンロード数

staticmatic2 2.1.8

StaticMatic helps you quickly create maintainable Amazon S3 static websites using t...

35,981 ダウンロード数

omg_pull_request 0.5.3

Have tests run automatically for your Github Pull Request

35,811 ダウンロード数

rubypond-s3backup-manager 0.1.5

A series of scripts and a rack application for backing up databases and filesystems int...

35,652 ダウンロード数


The Forge CMS dependency gem.

34,372 ダウンロード数

shuck 0.1.0

Use Shuck to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S3

32,258 ダウンロード数

iron_response 0.2.1

Provides a response object for IronWorker tasks.

31,156 ダウンロード数

sml-rubber 1.5.5

The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...

29,059 ダウンロード数

radiant-assets-extension 0.0.12

Makes Radiant better by adding images!

28,882 ダウンロード数

zencodable 0.2.1

provides a `has_video_encodings` class method to your models that allows you to confi...

28,717 ダウンロード数

s3_cors_fileupload 0.3.0

Provides file uploads for Rails ~> 3.1 to AWS-S3 via CORS using the jQuery-File-Upload ...

26,926 ダウンロード数

grandstand 0.3.0

Grandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of...

26,904 ダウンロード数

grandstand 0.3.0

Grandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of...

26,904 ダウンロード数

ssync 0.4.1

Ssync, an optimised S3 sync tool using the power of Unix!

26,663 ダウンロード数

ponyhost 0.3.4

ponyHost lets you to easily create Amazon S3 website buckets, push files to them an...

26,247 ダウンロード数

rails_asset_packager 0.2.2

A tool to compress Javascript and CSS assets for production Rals applications.

26,068 ダウンロード数

ey_recipes 0.9.6

Gem for kicking off chef recipes

24,377 ダウンロード数

s3deployer 0.0.7

A simple way to deploy a directory to Amazon s3

24,317 ダウンロード数

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,237 ダウンロード数

thorsson_carrierwave 0.4.12

* Updated support for right_s3 gem * RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[http:/...

24,107 ダウンロード数

s3deploy 0.1.2

Deploy static websites to Amazon S3

23,820 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 7,403,167

このバージョンのみ 4,793,780



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