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Reverse dependencies for brotli Latest version of the following gems require brotli

rack-brotli 1.2.0

Rack::Brotli enables Google's Brotli compression on HTTP responses

624,329 下載

response_bank 1.3.5

Simple response caching for Ruby applications

234,799 下載

isomorfeus-transport 2.5.5

Channels, authetication and various transport options for Isomorfeus.

121,377 下載


初级开发工程师,基于 http 写的爬虫扩展包。请不要随意下载里面有很多坑。

110,020 下載

sprockets-exporters_pack 0.1.2

Adds multiple exporters to Sprockets

94,023 下載

rails-brotli-cache 0.6.2

This gem reduces storage needed for Rails cache by using Brotli compression, which can ...

60,122 下載

isomorfeus-asset-manager 0.19.7

Asset manager for isomorfeus to compile Opal code and bundle javascript assets.

58,884 下載

rack-easy_brotli 1.2.1

Rack::Brotli enables Google's Brotli compression on HTTP responses

37,209 下載

condenser 1.3

Condenser is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

27,323 下載

jekyll-brotli 2.4.0

Generate brotli compressed assets and files for your Jekyll site at build time.

21,166 下載

woff 1.1.0

Handles the management and modification of WOFF and WOFF2 formatted files.

13,683 下載

universalid 0.1.7

Universal ID opens the flood gates with a deluge of profoundly powerful yet easily impl...

12,356 下載

isomorfeus-hamster 0.6.7

KV store and ObjectDB for Isomorfeus.

9,148 下載

radical 1.2.0

This gem helps you write rails-like web applications

5,608 下載

rack3-brotli 1.0.1

Rack::Brotli enables Google's Brotli compression on HTTP responses

3,062 下載

sprockets-exporters 0.1.0

Adds multiple exporters to Sprockets

2,458 下載

mayu-live 0.0.6

Mayu Live is a live updating server side VirtualDOM framework for Ruby, inspired by mod...

2,198 下載

middleman-brotli 0.0.1

This Middleman extension writes brotli-compressed output files (.br) for your pages, js...

1,869 下載

clauneck 0.0.3

A tool for scraping emails, social media accounts, and many more information from websi...

1,007 下載

rack-compress 0.1.2

Rack::Compress enables Zstd and Brotli compression on HTTP responses

681 下載

rails-fast-cache 0.0.1

Drop-in improvement for Rails cache

191 下載

總下載次數 1,507,558

這個版本 74,596



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
