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Dépendances inversées pour climate_control Latest version of the following gems require climate_control

wooga_wooget 2.6.2

Update, install, fetch, list, search, create, release, prerelease, validate and push wo...

16 036 Téléchargements

renuo-cms-rails 0.2.1

The Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...

13 042 Téléchargements

scalr_api_v2 0.3.2

provides a connection to scalr and a non exhuastive list of api calls as methods.

12 428 Téléchargements

env_helpers 0.1.0

Helpers for dealing with environment variables, with the option of adding the functiona...

12 285 Téléchargements

link_shortener 0.1.6

Generate short links via rebrandly

12 196 Téléchargements

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

12 027 Téléchargements

ailurus 2.0.3

Ruby client gem for newsroom data libraries running PANDA

11 383 Téléchargements

distributed-press-api-client 0.4.2

An API client for Distributed Press (

11 045 Téléchargements

expando 0.2.3

A translation language for defining user utterance examples in conversational interfaces.

10 938 Téléchargements

spotify-ruby 0.2.4

Build integrations with the different Spotify APIs inside of your application. For more...

10 561 Téléchargements

sauce_bindings 1.3.0

Reduces complexity in user code for running Selenium tests on Sauce Labs

10 068 Téléchargements

latest_version 0.1.5

Look up latest versions of open source libraries from your shell.

9 690 Téléchargements

orientdb-schema-migrator 0.0.3

Migrate OrientDB schema

9 264 Téléchargements

double_take 0.2.1

A bundler plugin to install multiple sets of dependencies.

9 119 Téléchargements

twingly-http 0.5.0

Robust HTTP client tailored by Twingly

9 034 Téléchargements

dexcom 0.3.1

Gem to interact with Dexcom Share API

8 475 Téléchargements

process_balancer 1.1.1

A self-balancing long-running job runner

8 345 Téléchargements

flowdock_rails 0.1.2

Connect flowdock using source feature from Rails

8 039 Téléchargements

rails_db_guard 1.1.0

Prevents connecting to protected environments databases from other environments

7 852 Téléchargements

bls_api 1.1.1

API wrapper for data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

7 639 Téléchargements

demopass 0.2.2

Add simple password protection for demo Rack apps.

7 504 Téléchargements

beaker-gke 0.1.0

Add GKE support to Beaker acceptance testing tool

7 358 Téléchargements

just 1.1.0

For when you want your aliases but you're using someone else's computer.

7 191 Téléchargements

vmpooler-provider-vsphere 3.3.4

VMware provider for VMPooler

6 944 Téléchargements

json-api-reader 0.1.1

Reads JSON API endpoints.

6 659 Téléchargements

vmpooler-provider-gce 1.3.0

GCE provider for VMPooler

5 919 Téléchargements

releasetool 0.5.2

Some release-related functions, initially just release notes management and creation

5 243 Téléchargements

fastlane_hotfix 2.187.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

5 004 Téléchargements

zoom_slack 0.0.3

Automatically update your Slack status when you're in a Zoom meeting.

4 828 Téléchargements

special_sauce 0.2.0

SpecialSauce helps you run your Capybara or Watir tests with Sauce Labs.

4 350 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 105 428 258

Pour cette version 3 984 492



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
