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constrain 0.1.2

Allows you check if an object match a class expression. It is typically used to check the type of method paraameters. It is an alternative to using Ruby-3 .rbs files but with a different syntax and only dynamic checks Typically you'll include the Constrain module and use #constrain to check the type of method parameters: include Constrain # f takes a String and an array of Integer objects. Raise a Constrain::Error # if parameters doesn't have the expected types def f(a, b) constrain a, String constrain b, [Integer] end Constrain works with ruby-2 (and maybe ruby-3)




  1. 0.10.0 December 18, 2023 (10.5 KB)
  2. 0.9.0 January 21, 2023 (10 KB)
  3. 0.8.0 September 17, 2022 (10 KB)
  4. 0.7.0 September 03, 2022 (10 KB)
  5. 0.6.0 July 20, 2022 (10 KB)
  6. 0.1.2 May 17, 2021 (8.5 KB)
Show all versions (19 total)

Development Dependencies (1):

simplecov >= 0


Pushed by:


  • Claus Rasmussen

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 24,744

For this version 1,701

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.3.0
