RubyGems Navigation menu

contracts 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 contracts

cogitate 0.0.2

A client library for the Cogitate service.

5,957 下载

ansible_galaxy 0.1.8

Ruby wrapper for the Ansible Galaxy HTTP API

5,698 下载

werd 0.0.2

Pulls story descriptions and names from tracker

5,671 下载

scrapinghub-client 0.1.0

Ruby client for Scrapinghub API

5,580 下载

ficrip 0.0.2

A to EPUB2/3 tool.

5,510 下载

rb-swatch 0.1

See for example usage

5,309 下载

sluice-jason 0.2.2

A Ruby gem to help you build ETL processes involving Amazon S3. Uses Fog

5,187 下载

entitlements-github-plugin 1.0.0

Entitlements plugin to manage GitHub Orgs and Team memberships and access

5,185 下载

elm-sprockets 0.2.0

Compile elm files for rails.

4,997 下载

octokitted 1.2.5

A self-hydrating version of Octokit for usage in CI systems - like GitHub Actions!

4,817 下载

dbviz 1.0.7

Visualizes Database Relations

4,462 下载

terminal-announce 1.0.0

Terminal notifications in a functional way

4,280 下载

musical_score 0.1.1

Ruby library for analysing a musical score. See

4,279 下载

ksr-maybe 0.1.1

A library providing the optional type 'Maybe'

4,195 下载

contracts-stringy 0.1.1

Contracts for string coercion

4,138 下载

aruba-win-fix 0.14.2

Fork of cucumber/aruba with fixes for broken Windows support

3,827 下载

izokatu 0.1.2

Ruby library that provides abstact interface for private-key and public-key cryptograph...

3,699 下载

entitlements-gitrepo-auditor-plugin 1.0.0

Entitlements plugin for a robust audit log

3,509 下载

middleman-core-with-external-sources-watch-fix 4.1.10

Contains patch A static site generato...

3,485 下载

couch_crud 0.1.0

couch_crud provides a minimal, simple Couchdb CRUD layer using couchrest

3,397 下载

chorewheel 0.0.1

Make a chore wheel, with options for specifying multiple people, vacation days, etc.

3,272 下载

redshift_iron_worker 0.0.1

Helper methods for using Redshift on IronWorker

3,240 下载

mon 0.0.2

A simple and syntax-light implementation of common monads (Maybe, Try, Future...), as w...

3,168 下载

stellar-lib 0.0.2

Stellar client library

3,147 下载

rnlp 0.0.2.a

Ruby Natural Language Processing Library

2,178 下载

actiondoc 0.4.0

Ruby Gem to generate documentation for GitHub Actions

1,266 下载

digitalbits-core-backup 0.0.7

A helper script to backup a digitalbits-core node

612 下载

typed_paramsss 0.1.1

typed params

476 下载

typed_params_0 0.1.1

typed params

440 下载

typed_paramss 0.1.2

typed params

429 下载

下载总量 25,415,579

这个版本 411,149



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0, < 4
