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delayed_job 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 delayed_job

delayed_job_active_record 4.1.8

ActiveRecord backend for Delayed::Job, originally authored by Tobias Lütke

43,507,606 下载

delayed_job_web 1.4.4

Web interface for delayed_job inspired by resque

5,446,182 下载

delayed_job_mongoid 3.0.0

Mongoid backend for delayed_job

2,431,040 下载

sentry-delayed_job 5.17.3

A gem that provides DelayedJob integration for the Sentry error logger

1,834,824 下载

delayed_job_recurring 0.3.9

Extends delayed_job to support recurring jobs, including timezone support

946,753 下载

activejob_dj_overrides 0.2.0

Allows max_attempts, destroy_failed_jobs?, reschedule_at, and max_run_time methods to b...

669,624 下载

sunspot-queue 0.10.3

Background search indexing using existing worker systems.

663,078 下载

delayed_job_worker_pool 1.0.0

Worker process pooling for Delayed Job

473,638 下载

progress_job 0.0.4

Add progress feature to delayed jobs

329,001 下载

activejob-cancel 0.3.2

activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job

297,903 下载

ts-delayed-delta 2.1.0

Manage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx

295,100 下载

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

290,255 下载

delayed_job_heartbeat_plugin 0.5.0

Delayed::Job plugin to unlock jobs from dead workers

287,247 下载

delayed-plugins-airbrake 1.1.0

delayed_job exception notification with airbrake

285,918 下载

talentbox-delayed_job_sequel 4.3.0

Sequel backend for DelayedJob, originally authored by Tobias Luetke

254,680 下载

workless 2.2.0

Extension to Delayed Job to enable workers to scale up when needed

162,490 下载

delayed_job_shallow_mongoid 1.2.0

When the object or arg to a delayed_job is a Mongoid document, store only a small stub ...

156,843 下载

dalliance 0.11.0

Background processing for ActiveRecord using a 'delayable' worker and a state_machine

139,212 下载

delayed_job_groups_plugin 0.10.1

Aggregates Delayed::Job jobs into groups with group level management and lifecycle call...

124,282 下载

cms-fortress 1.3.15

Comfortable Mexican Sofa (CMS) - User and role management extension

120,250 下载

better_delayed_job_web 1.3.12

Probably the best interface for Delayed Job

118,703 下载

action_smser 3.4.1

ActionSmser == SMS && ActionMailer. Simple way to use SMS (Short Message Service) in th...

111,525 下载

facebook_app 0.0.34

Includes authentication, tracking, and lots of convenience methods

100,249 下载

guard-delayed 0.4.0

Guard::Delayedjob automatically starts/stops/restarts delayed_job

87,203 下载

headstart 0.11.2

Based on Envy Labs Blue Light Special, but modified to provide more options and features.

78,018 下载

delayed_mailhopper 0.0.7

DelayedMailhopper extends Mailhopper to deliver emails asynchronously with DelayedJob.

76,737 下载

scheduled_job 0.2.5

By including the scheduled job module in a delayed job you can specify when you would l...

64,660 下载

dj_remixes 0.3.0

dj_remixes was developed by: markbates

63,656 下载

vidibus-resource 0.4.0

Allows creation of proxy objects of remote resources on distributed applications.

61,688 下载


Extension to Delayed Job to enable workers to scale up when needed

58,227 下载

下载总量 48,320,857

这个版本 5,091,688



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
