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embulk 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 embulk

embulk-parser-apache_error_log 0.1.2

Parses Apache Error Log files read by other file input plugins.

6,391 下载

embulk-filter-expand_csv_array 0.1.4

Expand CSV Array

5,601 下载

embulk-input-healthplanet 1.0.1

Load records from Health Planet through Health Planet API v1.

5,460 下载

embulk-input-sendgrid 0.1.2

Loads records from Sendgrid.

5,337 下载

embulk-input-rediskeys 0.2.0

Loads records from Redis.

5,086 下载

embulk-input-zendesk_guide 0.1.2

Loads records from Zendesk Guide.

4,993 下载

embulk-filter-strip_html_tags 0.2.0

Strip Html Tags

4,904 下载

embulk-parser-sisimai 0.1.1

Parses Sisimai Analyzer files read by other file input plugins.

4,768 下载

embulk-output-mongodb 0.1.0

Dumps records to Mongodb.

4,715 下载

embulk-filter-azure_text_analytics 0.2.0

Azure Text Analytics

4,683 下载

embulk-parser-unpack 0.1.5

Parses fixed width files read by other file input plugins.

4,670 下载

embulk-output-documentdb 0.1.1

Dumps records to Azure DocumentDB

4,668 下载

embulk-output-azuresearch 0.1.1

Dumps records to Azure Search

4,569 下载

embulk-output-wendelin 0.1.2

Dumps records to Wendelin.

4,348 下载

embulk-parser-mysqldump_tab 0.1.1

Embulk parser plugin for mysqldump file that dumped with the --tab option.

4,084 下载

embulk-input-yahoo_ads 0.1.1

Loads records from Yahoo Ads.

4,051 下载

embulk-input-spotx 0.2.0

Loads records from Spotx API.

3,865 下载

embulk-filter-unique 0.1.0

Extract unique records

3,821 下载

embulk-input-inline 0.1.0

Loads records from Yaml Inline.

3,681 下载

embulk-parser-script_ruby 0.1.0

Parses Script Ruby files read by other file input plugins.

3,681 下载

embulk-output-influxdb08 0.1.1

Dumps records to InfluxDB v0.8.

3,618 下载

embulk-output-rediskeys 0.1.0

Dumps records to Redis.

3,227 下载

embulk-filter-enum 0.1.0


3,098 下载

embulk-formatter-markdown_table 0.1.0

Formats Markdown Table files for other file output plugins.

3,063 下载

embulk-formatter-html_table 0.1.0

Formats Html Table files for other file output plugins.

3,040 下载

embulk-filter-google_natural_language_api 0.1.0

Google Natural Language Api filter plugin for Embulk

2,967 下载

embulk-formatter-geojson 0.1.0

Formats Geojson files for other file output plugins.

2,958 下载

embulk-input-slack_message 0.1.0

Loads records from Slack Message.

2,945 下载

embulk-filter-unpivot 0.1.0


2,921 下载

embulk-parser-fixed 0.1.0

Parses fixed width files read by other file input plugins.

2,890 下载

下载总量 731,833

这个版本 10,667


Apache 2.0

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
