RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 faraday

tubeclip 0.1.2

Ruby wrapper for youtube api's. Upload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all f...

5,765 下载

quandora 0.3.0

A simple gem to connect to the quandora

5,761 下载

cartowrap 0.1.1

Provides a common interface for some CartoDB functions.

5,760 下载

rubytypeformio 0.1.1

Wraps the api to provide convenience methods for interacting with the api.

5,759 下载

active_webhook 1.0.0

Simple, efficient, and extensible webhooks for Ruby, including: Rate Limits, Cryptograp...

5,754 下载

supercast 0.0.4

Supercast ruby client

5,749 下载

oracle_hcm 0.4.0

A library for interacting with the Oracle HCM REST API.

5,749 下载

yhd 1.0.1

Ruby SDK for

5,743 下载

wcc-jtj-client 0.1.14

Internal gem, not licensed for external use.

5,741 下载

larrow-qingcloud 0.0.2

access qingcloud with a simple way for ruby programmer

5,736 下载

datacentred 1.1.1

Gem wrapper for Datacentred API

5,730 下载

swagger-shell 0.0.3

shell cli for swagger

5,723 下载

voyeu-rb 1.0.0

This gem will fetch WatchPeopleCode data about past, live and upcoming streams so you c...

5,721 下载

tumugi-plugin-webhook 0.1.1

WebHook plugin for tumugi

5,712 下载

sensit-client 0.0.2

Official Sensit API library client for ruby

5,712 下载

rnow 0.0.2

Ruby Gem for Oracle RightNow REST interface, was available with version 15.05 (May 2015...

5,706 下载

coinrail 0.0.4

CoinRail API wrapper

5,699 下载

shurpa 0.1.6

A Simple Ruby Client for the Shurpa API.

5,691 下载

moolah-ruby 0.1

Ruby wrapper for the Transaction API

5,690 下载

cred_hubble 0.1.0

Unofficial Ruby Client for interacting with the Cloud Foundry CredHub credential store

5,689 下载

ps_yandex_translator 0.1.7

yandex translator

5,688 下载

ruboty-tumblr_image 0.0.2

An ruboty handler to pickup images from Tumblr.

5,683 下载

rubix-api 0.0.2

Wrapper for Rubix Api

5,683 下载

rubix-api 0.0.2

Wrapper for Rubix Api

5,683 下载

omniauth_uoc 0.1.1

OmniAuth provider that supports authentication against UOC REST apis.

5,662 下载

ecfr 1.0.14

Ruby client for APIs provided by

5,657 下载

qalam_ims_lti 0.0.4

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

5,652 下载

rsalesloft 0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Salesloft API

5,650 下载

etwin 0.3.2

Ruby client for the Eternal-Twin API. Defines Etwin domain types and HTTP client.

5,649 下载

omniauth-nwbbis 0.1.3

A simple login strategy for OmniAuth to authenticate users against the NWB BIS.

5,638 下载

下载总量 795,802,438

这个版本 14,986,606



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
