RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday

faraday-oauth2_cached_token 0.1.1

Faraday middleware that caches and refreshes OAuth2 tokens as needed

5,556 下載

replay_api 0.0.5

Ruby SDK for API

5,547 下載

lex-pihole 0.1.3

Connects Legion to Pihole

5,531 下載

myra 0.1.2

This gem allows for interacting with the MyraCloud API to manipulate website and th...

5,525 下載

bitbucket_pr 0.1.3

Gem uses Bitbucket API endpoint to create a new pull-reqeust

5,519 下載

yardi 5.0.1

A ruby client for v4 of Yardi's API

5,514 下載

lending_club 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for the Lending Club API.

5,510 下載

lean_cloud 0.0.2

LeanCloud SDK.

5,507 下載

tegawa 0.2.2

Small daemon that takes information from various places and relays them over telegram.

5,499 下載

weekdone-sdk 0.3.3

A Ruby gem for communicating with the Weekdone REST API

5,498 下載

aocli 1.5.0

Command line application to retrieve advent of code challenges and create boilerplate s...

5,495 下載

pipedrive_api_rb 1.0.5 API Wrapper

5,494 下載

hatena-bookmark-restful 0.1.1

A client library for Hatena::Bookmark RESTful API

5,484 下載

picpay 0.1.2

PicPay é o app que faz com que seus pagamentos sejam mais simples e rápidos, do jeito q...

5,482 下載

rubyfuri 0.1.0


5,471 下載

embulk-input-healthplanet 1.0.1

Load records from Health Planet through Health Planet API v1.

5,454 下載

tb-bjb 1.6.2

ruby wrapper for the Bitbucket REST API (v2) with oauth inspired by vongrippen/bitbucket.

5,452 下載

coolsms-rb 0.2.0

CoolSMS Ruby Client. under construction...

5,450 下載

pagemunch 1.0.0

A client for the PageMunch web crawler API

5,449 下載

groupdocs_editor_cloud 23.11

Ruby gem for communicating with the GroupDocs.Editor Cloud API

5,449 下載

trupanion 0.1.2

This is the unofficial Ruby wrapper to the Trupanion API.

5,449 下載

coinmarketcal 0.2.0

Unofficial API Client for the CoinMarketCal API

5,444 下載

faraday-cache-advanced 0.0.2

Sometimes you gotta cache POST requests. This gem gives you a Faraday middleware to ca...

5,443 下載

ruby_pagespeed_insights 1.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for Google PageSpeed Insights API.

5,443 下載

getevents 0.1.1

API wrapper for

5,435 下載

splash_payments 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for the Splash Payments API

5,429 下載

incandescent 0.2.1

Ruby wrapper for the IncandescentAPI

5,417 下載

influx_remix 1.0.3

Influx Remix is a command line tool to import historical data into InfluxDB 2.0 with cu...

5,415 下載

togglv8-tfl 1.2.1

Toggl v8 API wrapper (See

5,409 下載

GooglePlus 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for GooglePlus API heavily inspired by the twitter gem.

5,390 下載

總下載次數 802,342,188

這個版本 991,275



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
