RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday

tumblr-oauth 0.1.1

A Ruby wrapper for Tumblr AOuth API

7,231 下載

jester 0.1.4

jester makes testing Jenkinsfiles much easier.

7,229 下載

ucpaas 0.1.4

UCPAAS API wrapper

7,221 下載

deep_health_check 0.0.4

Provides a health check API endpoint for rack apps

7,218 下載

icloud 0.0.2

Non official iCloud API

7,214 下載

moogle 0.1.1

Notification pushing to 3rd parties

7,207 下載

omniauth-tendril 1.0.2

Tendril OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth. Learn more and sign up at...

7,202 下載

oldrelic 0.5

Ruby Wrapper for New Relic API and stuff.

7,202 下載

washoe_polls 0.1.1

Gem for finding polling places in Washoe County, NV

7,199 下載

fluent-plugin-finagle 0.0.3

fluentd input plugin for Finagle metric

7,198 下載

faraday-jwt 0.1.0

Faraday Middleware for JWT Request & Response

7,189 下載

smoodit 0.0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Smood it REST API

7,183 下載

polygonio 0.2.4

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

7,182 下載

thounds 0.0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Thounds REST API

7,173 下載

bigbank-client 0.2.1

A Ruby client for the Bigbank API to request and create loan applications.

7,170 下載

zaius 0.3.0

Zaius api ruby gem.

7,140 下載

fabricate 0.0.1

A gem that uploads dSYM files to fabric. OS-independent and can be used on linux

7,127 下載

writeas 0.3.1

A Ruby client for the API

7,124 下載

simple-oauth2 0.1.3

No fuss, weird stuff, or oddities. Just an oauth2 client.

7,115 下載

atompark-sms-api 0.0.2

Atompark SMS API

7,110 下載

comap 1.2.0

Container Orchestrator Metrics Aggregator for Prometheus

7,108 下載

sloop 0.1.0

Name your latest project and see if a domain exists

7,108 下載

who-broke-my-app 0.0.3

Simple ruby script to take a Gemfile.lock file and determine which dependencies have be...

7,103 下載

mapstatic 0.0.2

Static Map Generator

7,101 下載

cp_mgmt 1.0.4

A lightweight wrapper for using the Check Point Management API in your ruby projects

7,101 下載

sqoot 1.0.0

Wrapper for Sqoot API. Using FaradayMiddleware

7,099 下載

ruby_ovh 0.0.3

This gem allow you to communicate with OVH API

7,091 下載

putio-ruby 0.3.0

A simple library for communicating with the REST API

7,081 下載

manga-tools 0.2.0

Tools to support the automation of daily manga-related activities.

7,075 下載

nf-conductor 0.0.7

Ruby client containing a task worker interface, worker coordinator, and HTTP client for...

7,071 下載

總下載次數 805,390,997

這個版本 380,538



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
