RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour guard-bundler Latest version of the following gems require guard-bundler

no_proxy_fix 0.1.2

A fix for a no_proxy bug:

64 694 897 Téléchargements

omniauth_openid_connect 0.7.1

OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.

15 266 363 Téléchargements

gitlab-omniauth-openid-connect 0.10.1

OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.

9 430 605 Téléchargements

rack-livereload 0.6.0

Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware

7 699 725 Téléchargements

rvm-capistrano 1.5.6

RVM / Capistrano Integration Gem

5 424 153 Téléchargements

calabash-cucumber 0.23.7

calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...

2 335 072 Téléchargements

run_loop 4.9.1

The bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.

1 821 386 Téléchargements

calabash-android 0.9.30

calabash-android drives tests for native and hybrid Android apps.

1 736 700 Téléchargements

testrail-ruby 0.1.02

A Ruby client wrapper for the TestRail API (v2)

1 420 219 Téléchargements

json-streamer 2.1.0

Utility to support JSON streaming allowing you to get data based on various criteria (k...

1 218 504 Téléchargements

guard-sidekiq 0.1.0

Guard::Sidekiq automatically starts/stops/restarts sidekiq worker

1 213 241 Téléchargements

moodle2cc 0.2.46

Migrates Moodle backup ZIP to IMS Common Cartridge package

898 086 Téléchargements

guard-reek 1.2.0

Guard::Reek automatically runs Reek when files change

674 846 Téléchargements

sunspot-queue 0.10.3

Background search indexing using existing worker systems.

654 789 Téléchargements

luffa 2.1.0

Tools for testing the Calabash Toolchain locally, on Travis CI, and Jenkins

564 606 Téléchargements

sidekiq-throttler 0.5.1

Sidekiq middleware that adds the ability to rate limit job execution.

552 623 Téléchargements

tsubaki 0.2.1

A gem provides My Number & Corporate Number validators

496 651 Téléchargements


A Ruby implementation for Japan postcode.

492 586 Téléchargements

rack-iframe 0.0.3

Rack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...

490 235 Téléchargements

xamarin-test-cloud 2.3.0

Xamarin Test Cloud lets you automatically test your app on hundreds of mobile devices

371 707 Téléchargements

praxis 0.21

Building APIs the way you want it.

369 472 Téléchargements

rack-fiber_pool 0.9.3

Rack middleware to run each request within a Fiber

324 639 Téléchargements

lono 7.5.2

The CloudFormation Framework

302 387 Téléchargements

mi 1.0.0

Mi is a generator of migration file instead of `rails generate migration`.

289 427 Téléchargements

dns-zone 0.3.1

A Ruby library for building and parsing DNS zone files for use with Bind and PowerDNS (...

289 021 Téléchargements

kiji 0.3.0

API toolkits for Japanese e-Gov system

269 927 Téléchargements

monadic 0.8.1

brings some functional goodness to ruby by giving you some monads

242 257 Téléchargements

graphql-active_record 2.2.2

Active Record Helpers for graphql-ruby

236 422 Téléchargements

deterministic 0.16.0

A gem providing failsafe flow

232 633 Téléchargements

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

222 505 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 8 340 309

Pour cette version 488 468



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.9
