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live_record 0.3.1

Auto-syncs records in client-side JS (through a Model DSL) from changes (updates/destroy) in the backend Rails server through ActionCable. Also supports streaming newly created records to client-side JS. Supports lost connection restreaming for both new records (create), and record-changes (updates/destroy). Auto-updates DOM elements mapped to a record attribute, from changes (updates/destroy).

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  1. 1.0.2 - September 28, 2018 (39,5 KB)
  2. 1.0.1 - June 05, 2018 (39,5 KB)
  3. 1.0.0 - June 01, 2018 (39,5 KB)
  4. 0.3.6 - June 01, 2018 (39 KB)
  5. 0.3.4 - May 25, 2018 (35 KB)
  6. 0.3.1 - November 12, 2017 (33 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (25 total)

dependencias de Runtime (1):

rails < 5.2, >= 5.0.0

dependencias de Development (17):

bundler ~> 1.3
byebug ~> 9.0
coffee-rails ~> 4.2
combustion ~> 0.7
faker ~> 1.8
jbuilder ~> 2.7
jquery-rails ~> 4.3
puma ~> 3.10
rails ~> 5.1
redis ~> 3.3
rspec-rails ~> 3.6
sqlite3 ~> 1.3
timecop = 0.9.1



  • Jules Roman B. Polidario

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 41.969

Para esta versión 1.695



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2.2
