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Dependencias inversas para money La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren money

ruby_psigate 0.7.8

RubyPsigate parses and packages XML messages to/from Psigate's servers for transactions...

30.432 Descargas

easy_rails_money 0.0.8

Integrate Rail's ActiveRecord gem and the money gem. Focus is on a simple code and API

30.409 Descargas

vizjerai-google-checkout 0.4.0

An experimental library for sending payment requests to Google Checkout.

29.653 Descargas

papla 0.2.1

Papla is a Ruby gem that allows you to convert numbers into Polish and English words.

28.919 Descargas

afterpay-ruby 0.1.9

Afterpay ruby wrapper

28.816 Descargas

redis-bank 0.1.4

Redis-backed Bank for the Money gem based on the VariableExchange Bank

27.432 Descargas

redis-bank 0.1.4

Redis-backed Bank for the Money gem based on the VariableExchange Bank

27.432 Descargas

money_bank_sources 0.1.1

Adds bank sources to Money gem

27.155 Descargas

money-mongoid 0.2.2

Makes it easy to use money with mongoid

26.699 Descargas

expedia_api 0.1.20

Expediacom is a lightweight flexible Ruby SDK for the official API

26.624 Descargas

portmone 0.0.16

Ruby wrapper for Portmone payment system API

26.559 Descargas

mm-money 0.1.2

Handle money keys with MongoMapper.

26.522 Descargas

wirecardmapper 0.10.1

A Ruby Object Mapper for Wirecard XML interface

25.539 Descargas

steam-prices 0.1.9

Prices for steam.

25.306 Descargas

sunnyside 0.1.2

gem for Sunnyside Citywide Home Care, Inc.

25.055 Descargas

money_column 0.2.4

A set of helper methods for working with money-based attributes.

24.965 Descargas

money-fixer-io 0.0.2 support for money

24.903 Descargas

percentable 1.1.2

Small gem to make working with percents easier. Includes methods to make selected rails...

24.266 Descargas

has_money_fields 0.1.1

Use the Money gem and ActiveRecord's composed_of to store fields wich contains currency...

23.830 Descargas

bunq_rb 0.1.4

Bunq API Client

23.810 Descargas

floor_calculator 0.4.7

Calculate offer floor using dentaku

23.768 Descargas

breadmachine 0.0.4

BreadMachine facilitates payment processing, including 3-D Secure, with the SecureTradi...

23.596 Descargas

alfa_insurance 0.2.1

Ruby wrapper for ALfaInsurance SOAP API

23.092 Descargas

payola 1.2.0

Abstraction layer on top of Stripe/Braintree, etc so we can get Payola'ed

21.361 Descargas

moss_generator 0.7.4

Skatteverket One Stop Shop (OSS) generator.

20.557 Descargas

money_extensions 1.5.0

These are extensions from the money/currency classes.

19.961 Descargas

currencylayer 0.0.1

This gem extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange with Money::Bank::Currencylayer and give...

18.612 Descargas

openbill-ruby 0.1.11

This gem helps to use openbill-core

18.490 Descargas

money-coinmarketcap-bank 0.1.9

Attach this gem to ruby-money to use it as bank and get the exchange rate from coinmark...

17.066 Descargas

reality 0.0.5

Reality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...

16.854 Descargas

Total de descargas 87.883.020

Para esta versión 866.340



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
