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opal 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 opal

opal-slim 1.0.0

Wrapper around the slim gem to let you write slim templates for your Opal app

3,281 下載

opal-require-dep 1.0.0

Adds an Opal synonym for require_dependency (to require) to play nice with Rails autolo...

3,267 下載

opal-i18next 0.4.0

A basic Opal wrapper for the JavaScript I18N module i18next that supports functions add...

3,249 下載

vienna-pouchdb 0.1.0

vienna-pouchdb-adapter bridges Vienna and PouchDB using opal-pouchdb

3,239 下載

opal-phaserjs 0.0.1

Phaser library for opal

3,224 下載

opal-rspec-cj 0.4.4

Opal compatible rspec library

3,222 下載

ractive 0.0.0

Use Ractive.js from Ruby via Opal

3,188 下載

wedgeio 0.0.1

Components for the Browser and Server

3,178 下載

opal-pouchdb 0.1.1

An Opal bridge to the PouchDB database library

3,153 下載

opal-aasm 0.7.0

Allows the Acts As State Machine (aasm) gem to be used with the Opal Ruby Transpiler. I...

3,102 下載

opal-knockout 0.0.1

Opal library for knockout.js

3,016 下載

opal-airbrake 0.0.1

airbrake-js wrapper for opal

2,919 下載


Makes necessary patches to FactoryGirl such that it runs on Opal, with some limitations

2,906 下載

bull 0.0.0

Bull Framework. A realtime web framework

2,863 下載

opal-up 0.0.13

High performance Rack server for Opal and Ruby

2,601 下載

opal-connect-rspec 0.5.0

Opal compatible rspec library

2,599 下載

opal-uri 0.1.0

Minimal URI support for Opal

2,545 下載

hamlit-opal 0.0.1.beta1

Opal support for Hamlit

2,334 下載

opal-google_maps 0.1.0

Opal bindings for Google Maps

2,234 下載

tone.rb 0.1.0

Web audio framework in Ruby

2,007 下載

rubink 0.0.1

Write animations with ruby

1,947 下載

ovto-router 1.0.0

Ovto Router

1,796 下載

receptive 0.3.0

The perfect toolkit to lighten up your existing HTML

1,739 下載


Browser support for Opal.

551 下載

nanoc-opal 0.1.1

Provides an :opal filter for Nanoc

477 下載

總下載次數 717,287

這個版本 4,395



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
