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Reverse dependencies for redis-store Latest version of the following gems require redis-store

redis-rack 3.0.0

Redis Store for Rack applications

91,959,247 下載

redis-actionpack 5.4.0

Redis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis.

90,203,656 下載

redis-activesupport 5.3.0

Redis store for ActiveSupport

77,190,067 下載

redis-rails 5.0.2

Redis for Ruby on Rails

71,104,678 下載

redis-rack-cache 2.2.1

A Redis backend store for Rack::Cache

4,450,753 下載

redis-i18n 0.8.0

Redis backed store for i18n

152,742 下載

redis-sinatra 1.4.2

Redis store for Sinatra

107,946 下載

pupa 0.2.4

A data scraping framework

71,853 下載

redis-activesupport-with-cas 0.0.6

Extend the redis activesupport with CAS (compare-and-swap) functionality for better cac...

31,605 下載

redis-store-with-cas 0.0.5

Extend the redis store with CAS (compare-and-swap) functionality for better cache integ...

29,255 下載


Bring back the rails2 compatibility from redis-store to 1.1.x

26,594 下載

fault_tolerant_redis-activesupport 4.0.6

Fault tolerant redis store for ActiveSupport

15,483 下載

redis_hash_store 1.0.0

An addition to Rails's redis_cache_store to allow youto easily use Redis hashes for cac...

9,121 下載

caruby-scat 1.2.2

Simple caTissue web application. See the home page for more information.

8,154 下載

universe-db 0.1.1

gem install universe-db

7,505 下載

redis-renew 0.0.2

Simple gem that extends redis expiry of keys when accessed

5,621 下載

contentful_redis 0.1.0

Contentful api wrapper which caches responses from contentful

5,479 下載

wurfl_store 0.1.0

Wurfl Redis Store

4,437 下載

redis_set_store 1.0.0

A Rails cache implementation that is backed by redis and uses sets to track keys for ra...

3,520 下載

mobb-redis 1.0.0

Redis store for Mobb

2,180 下載

redis-rack-my-checksub 2.1.3

Redis Store for Rack applications

1,929 下載

slab-redis-actionpack 5.3.0

Redis session store for ActionPack. redis-actionpack Gem replacement. Used for storing ...

1,722 下載

總下載次數 97,318,222

這個版本 3,046,800



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
