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redis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis

mission_control-jobs 0.2.1

Operational controls for Active Job

60,677 下载

wework 1.2.8

Ruby API wrapper for wechat work「企业微信」

60,650 下载

quark 0.4.1

A small service for logging and retrieving timeseries metrics into a Redis server

59,926 下载

parsley-store 0.3.6

Scientific Names Parser with Cached Results

59,622 下载

log2json 0.1.26

Log2json lets you read, filter and send logs as JSON objects via Unix pipes. It is insp...

59,603 下载

background_cache 0.2.9

Bust caches before your users do.

59,420 下载

activist 0.0.8

Redis and database based activity stream in Rails 3 applications

59,360 下载

sapoku 0.3

Manages Sapoku instances

59,255 下载

perform_later 1.3.0

Queue any method in any class or instance with no need for additional Worker class and ...

58,182 下载

redis-cluster 1.0.0

Redis cluster client. Support pipelining.

58,107 下载

mantle 2.3.1

Ruby application message bus subscriptions with Sidekiq and Redis Pubsub.

58,030 下载

brianjlandau-resque-scheduler 1.10.12

Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...

57,898 下载

redis_pagination 1.2.0

Simple pagination for Redis lists and sorted sets.

57,584 下载

h2ocube_rails_cache 0.4.0

Just an redis cache.

57,079 下载

bulkrax 8.1.0

Bulkrax is a batteries included importer for Samvera applications. It currently include...

56,609 下载

redis-persistence 0.1.0

Simple ActiveModel-compatible persistence layer in Redis

56,535 下载

bellbro 0.3.1

Helps with sidekiq.

56,259 下载

nexia_worker_roulette 0.2.9

Pub Sub Queue for Redis that ensures ordered processing

56,063 下载

redis-slave-read 0.2.1

Provides load balancing of reads in a cluster of Redis replicas

56,029 下载

turnpike 0.9.0

A Redis-backed FIFO queue

55,969 下载

campfire_logic 2.0.7

Users can browse locations by country, city, and state and search locations by string o...

55,768 下载

harmony-service 0.8.3

Gem which helps you to build Harmony services

55,716 下载

event_store 0.2.9

["A Ruby implementation of an EventSource (A+ES) tuned for Vertica or Postgres"]

55,655 下载

angus-remote 0.0.16

Provides a client for making requests and building responses to remote services.

55,633 下载

mn_utils_gem 1.15.15

Mumsnet utils gem for microservices

55,436 下载

norton 0.1.3

Provide simple helpers on persist values in redis for performance. Works with ActiveRec...

54,843 下载


Gem to poll messages from SQS queue and process them

54,802 下载

redis-copy 1.0.0

A command-line utility built for copying the contents of one redis db to another over a...

54,754 下载

redis_scripts 0.0.2

Elegant redis scripting for ruby.

54,525 下载

redlock-rb 0.1.1

Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby

54,491 下载

下载总量 415,179,091

这个版本 2,768,833



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0
