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sciruby 0.1.3

Ruby has for some time had no equivalent to the beautifully constructed numpy, scipy, and matplotlib libraries for Python. We believe that the time for a Ruby science and visualization package has come and gone. Sometimes when a solution of sugar and water becomes super-saturated, from it precipitates a pure, delicious, and diabetes-inducing crystal of sweetness, induced by no more than the tap of a finger. So it is, we believe, with the need for numeric and visualization libraries in Ruby. We are not the first with this idea, but we are trying to bring it to life. [![Click here to lend your support to SciRuby and make a donation at!](](

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  1. 0.2.11 - May 03, 2016 (16,5 KB)
  2. 0.2.10 - May 03, 2016 (16,5 KB)
  3. 0.2.9 - May 03, 2016 (16 KB)
  4. 0.2.8 - August 24, 2015 (16 KB)
  5. 0.2.7 - July 08, 2015 (16 KB)
  6. 0.1.3 - November 01, 2011 (81 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (14 total)

dependencias de Runtime (9):

distribution >= 0.4.0
green_shoes >= 1.0.282
gsl ~> 1.14.5
rsvg2 ~> 1.0.0
rubyvis >= 0.4.0
simpler >= 0.1.0
statsample >= 1.1.0

dependencias de Development (13):

coderay >= 0
haml >= 0
hoe ~> 2.12
hoe ~> 2.12
hoe-bundler ~> 1.1
hoe-gemspec ~> 1.0
minitest ~> 2.0
nokogiri >= 0
rdoc >= 0
RedCloth >= 0
rspec >= 2.0
shoulda ~> 2.11



  • SciRuby Development Team

SHA 256 checksum:

= Copiar al portapapeles ¡Copiado!

Total de descargas 41.520

Para esta versión 3.459



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9
