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scoreboard_rubywarrior 0.0.4

With the utmost thanks to Ryan Bates for his excellent rubywarrior, this small addition adds the ability for the rubywarrior to publish level results out to a webserver. We wanted this ability to add a small competitive aspect for the Christchurch Ruby group. We hope that others will come to enjoy the wonderful fun that battling monsters with ruby can be. Pull requests very welcome :)

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  1. 0.0.9 - November 21, 2014 (10 KB)
  2. 0.0.8 - November 21, 2014 (10 KB)
  3. 0.0.7 - November 20, 2014 (10 KB)
  4. 0.0.6 - November 19, 2014 (10 KB)
  5. 0.0.5 - November 18, 2014 (10 KB)
  6. 0.0.4 - November 16, 2014 (9.5 KB)
Show all versions (8 total)

Runtime Dependencies (2):

httparty ~> 0.13
rubywarrior ~> 0.1.3

Development Dependencies (6):

bundler ~> 1.6
guard-rspec ~> 4.3
pry >= 0.9.12
rake >= 0
rspec ~> 2.14
webmock >= 0



  • Patrick Davey

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 18,837

For this version 2,231



Required Ruby Version: >= 1.9.3
