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sinatra-contrib 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sinatra-contrib

txbr 2.7.0

A library for syncing translation resources between Braze and Transifex.

34,765 下載

ditty 0.11.1

Sinatra Based Application Framework

34,676 下載

rack-post_body_msgpack_parser 0.1.0

Parse post data by MessagePack

34,232 下載

reviewed-auth 0.4.2

Central Authentication Service for

33,961 下載

schleuder 4.0.3

Schleuder is a group's email-gateway: subscribers can exchange encrypted emails among t...

33,830 下載

TokiCLI 0.3.1 command-line client: read your Toki data from the local database or from the A...

33,185 下載

worker-army 0.6.4

Simple redis based worker queue with a HTTP/Rest interface

32,320 下載

memcached-manager 1.0.0

A sinatra memcached-manager that allows you to view status, flush/view keys and so on. ...

32,105 下載

stubby 0.0.13

Declarative hosts / proxy management for multi-environment development

31,979 下載

gast 0.1.0

memo application of using git

31,728 下載

bio-publisci 0.1.0

A toolkit for publishing scientific results and datasets using RDF, OWL, and related te...

31,481 下載

gibier 0.8.17

This is a simple slideshow app using Hyalite( Its p...

31,467 下載

mocktopus 0.1.5

The Mocktopus is a Sinatra/thin-based Web API that lets you mock your app dependencies

30,107 下載

lockr 0.5.2

Lockr is a password manager that features a local web interface (...

29,257 下載

sapoci-connect 0.5.2

HTTP client library for working with SAP OCI compliant servers.

28,939 下載

astronomy_engine 0.3.0

A light weight, mountable engine for the 'astronomy' gem. Search or browse various astr...

28,581 下載

patriot-workflow-scheduler 0.8.8

a workflow scheduler enabling fine-grained dependency management

28,397 下載

desviar 0.0.18

Desviar provides URL redirection; some possible applications include: - Web signup proc...

28,118 下載

dorothy2 2.0.0

A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby.

27,897 下載

txdb 4.2.1

An automation tool for translating database content with Transifex.

27,726 下載

authify-api 0.5.0

Authify API Server library

27,177 下載

phobos_checkpoint_ui 2.0.0

Phobos Checkpoint UI is a GUI for phobos checkpoint API, it is compatible with https://...

26,604 下載

aethernal-agent 0.6.0

Install and configure apps on the go.

26,452 下載

cuboid 0.2.11

An application-centric, decentralised and distributed computing solution.

26,347 下載

txgh-queue 3.0.4

Queue worker for processing Txgh webhooks.

26,176 下載

puppet_webhook 1.7.0

Sinatra Webhook Server for Puppet/R10K

24,903 下載

sequel-reporter 0.0.10

An opinionated framework for writing reporting applications

24,794 下載

scenario_server 0.1.3

This gem is useful for development where a mock rest api server is required and with fr...

24,787 下載

hieraviz 0.2.6

Simple web application for accessing Puppet development code ...

24,627 下載

rack-request_replication 0.1.6

Replicate or record HTTP requests to your Rack application and replay them elsewhere or...

24,354 下載

總下載次數 26,434,932

這個版本 93,946



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.8

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
