RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for tty-option Latest version of the following gems require tty-option

retest 1.13.2

A simple command line tool to watch file change and run its matching spec.

88,799 下載

git_fame 3.1.1

A command-line tool that helps you summarize and pretty-print collaborators in a git re...

79,170 下載

gitsflow 0.6.3

GitSFlow is a tool that integrate Git custom commands with GitLab and it's inspired Git...

27,463 下載

gitsflow 0.6.3

GitSFlow is a tool that integrate Git custom commands with GitLab and it's inspired Git...

27,463 下載

opswalrus 1.0.113

opswalrus is a tool that runs scripts against a fleet of hosts hosts. It's kind of like...

24,617 下載

wads 0.2.4

Simple, easy to use data structure classes and Gosu widgets

11,744 下載

staticz 1.0.13

Create websites with haml and sass, and compile them into static html and css

8,452 下載

pangea 0.0.42

control rest apis declaratively with ruby

8,213 下載

spektr 0.4.1

Rails static code analyzer for security issues

8,195 下載

branchtree 0.1.2

Interactively manage chains or trees of dependent git branches. Merge or rebase to iter...

5,412 下載

gitlab-to-doap 0.2.0

Given a gitlab personal token (

4,071 下載

working_set 1.0.2

Working Set is a multithreaded custom protocol server with an ncurses-based terminal in...

3,001 下載

mess 0.0.2

Analyze your archived Messenger chatlogs in JSON format!

2,836 下載

Kobold 0.3.4

Version manager for various libraries and projects.

2,073 下載

minehunter 0.1.0

Terminal mine hunting game.

1,730 下載

ruby-perlin-2D-map-generator 0.0.7

A gem that procedurally generates a seeded and customizable 2D map with optional roads ...

1,628 下載

pifan 1.0.0

Pifan is a daemon adjusting your fan's strength based on your Raspberry Pi's temperature.

1,606 下載

crypt_reboot 0.2.1

Linux utility for automatic and secure unlocking of encrypted disks on reboot

1,473 下載

prepper 0.2.1

Simple server provisioning

1,142 下載

drakkon 0.0.8

DragonRuby Helpers

1,035 下載

pcli 0.1.1

Ponsqb admin CLI.

742 下載

tldr-cli 0.3.0

tldr-cli is a tldr pages client created using Ruby

689 下載

checkstyle-suppression-generator 0.0.2

A gem that takes as input the output of a maven checkstyle plugin checkstyle:check goal...

415 下載

nomius 0.1.0

Bulk domain & package name availability checker

413 下載

slideck 0.1.0

Terminal tool for presenting Markdown-powered slide decks.

381 下載

cybermots 0.0.1

CyberMots est le dictionnaire francophone de la cybersécurité ; cet outil en ligne de c...

280 下載

總下載次數 160,954

這個版本 96,783



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
