Dépendances inversées pour validatable Latest version of the following gems require validatable
bagit 0.6.0
Ruby Library and Command Line tools for bagit
190 249 Téléchargements
tableless_model 0.1.0
A serialisable and validatable table-less model with support for associations, useful t...
40 420 Téléchargements
langalex-couch_potato 0.2.12
Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB
35 964 Téléchargements
capistrano-notification 0.1.1
Capistrano deployment notification
32 369 Téléchargements
couch_tomato 0.2.0
Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB, inspired by and forked from Couch Potato
31 305 Téléchargements
kivanio-acts_as_payment 0.0.6
acts_as_payment is a rails plugin that enables you to work with bills.
17 074 Téléchargements
oauth2_provider 0.3.0
A Rails plugin to OAuth v2.0 enable your rails application. This plugin implements v09 ...
16 173 Téléchargements
lyber-utils 0.1.2
Contains classes perform generic utilty functions
15 476 Téléchargements
Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB
14 164 Téléchargements
benschwarz-flickr-wrapper 0.1.3
A grassroots wrapper around flickr - Strictly for convenience
13 128 Téléchargements
stone 0.1.2
Super-simple data persistence layer created for small applications.
11 715 Téléchargements
validatable_associations 0.2.0
Association add-on for the Validatable gem
11 564 Téléchargements
an gem cover getpaysure.com api
11 476 Téléchargements
Ruby gem to send and receive SMS via kavenegar API(rest) kavenegar is great service...
10 154 Téléchargements
validatable_form 0.0.2
Create validatable, tableless models for forms without hacking ActiveRecord.
8 449 Téléchargements
ivanoats-whm_xml 0.3.1
The whm_xml library provides a Ruby wrapper for the cPanel Web Host Manager (WHM) XML-API
5 991 Téléchargements
speedmax-couch_potato 0.2.2
Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB
5 701 Téléchargements
flickr-wrapper 0.1.3
A grassroots wrapper around flickr - Strictly for convenience
5 141 Téléchargements
whm_xml 0.3.2
The whm_xml library provides a Ruby wrapper for the cPanel Web Host Manager (WHM) XML-API
4 587 Téléchargements
benschwarz-bom-weather 0.0.1
Weather from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
4 023 Téléchargements
irankish 0.0.15
a gem for transaction
3 950 Téléchargements
gdagley-validatable_form 0.0.1
Create validatable, tableless models for forms without hacking ActiveRecord.
3 638 Téléchargements
voxxit-whm_xml 0.3.0
The whm_xml library provides a Ruby wrapper for the cPanel Web Host Manager (WHM) XML-API
3 562 Téléchargements
blabber_mouth was developed by: markbates
3 482 Téléchargements
thefool808-couch_potato 0.2.7
Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB
3 444 Téléchargements
sqs-job 1.0.0
Simple job processing library which uses SQS.
3 409 Téléchargements
kavenegar-ruby 1.0.0
Ruby gem to send and receive SMS via kavenegar API(rest) kavenegar is great service...
2 660 Téléchargements
savano 0.1.0
2 161 Téléchargements
magfa 0.1.0.dev.1
Magfa webService
2 008 Téléchargements