RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para xmlrpc La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren xmlrpc

fog-xenserver 1.0.0

Module for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER.

23.822.860 Descargas

cms_scanner 0.13.9

Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners

892.019 Descargas

opennebula 6.8.3

Libraries needed to talk to OpenNebula

822.316 Descargas

infusionsoft 1.3.6

A Ruby wrapper written for the Infusionsoft API

561.608 Descargas

rubypress 1.2.2

Easily access WordPress installations through the WordPress XML-RPC API. This gem exact...

406.707 Descargas

vm_shepherd 3.7.3

A tool for booting and tearing down Ops Manager VMs on various Infrastructures.

390.127 Descargas

fluent-plugin-openstack 2.0.1

OpenStack Storage Service (Swift) plugin for Fluentd

108.510 Descargas

gandi 3.3.28

Wrapper around gandi xml-rpc API v3

61.570 Descargas

ruby_universign 1.6.0

Ruby gem for interacting with Universign electronic signature API. It ease requests to ...

61.521 Descargas

letsencrypt_webfaction 4.0.2

A tool to simplify the manual process of using LetsEncrypt on Webfaction hosts. It can ...

59.322 Descargas

bicho 0.0.18

Library to access bugzilla

48.789 Descargas

opensips-mi 1.1.1

Ruby module for interacting with OpenSIPs management interface. Supports OpenSIPS v3+ M...

43.119 Descargas

vagrant-xenserver 0.0.16

Enables Vagrant to manage XenServers.

38.938 Descargas

gravaty 11.0.1

This gem automagically prepares complete URIs for Gravatar, for both avatars and profi...

21.430 Descargas

crisalid_odoo_client 2.0.1

Odoo Ruby Connector

14.409 Descargas

subs 1.0.1

Simple and intuitive command-line program to automatically and accurately search and do...

13.358 Descargas

rootor 0.0.8

rtorrent XMLRPC wrapper

12.441 Descargas

odoo_client 0.1.0

Connect to Odoo ERP and perform CRUD operations.

10.166 Descargas

inwx-domrobot 3.1

Ruby Client to easily use the Domrobot API of INWX

4.392 Descargas

bugzilla 0.10.0

My work is a revamp from ruby-bugzilla from Akira TAGOH

3.966 Descargas

legacy_infusionsoft_api 0.1.1

Ruby client for Legacy XML-RPC Infusionsoft API

3.907 Descargas

sensu-plugins-supervisor-boutetnico 1.0.1

This plugin provides native supervisord instrumentation f...

2.932 Descargas

red_tape 1.0.0

Extended validation using the German Bundeszentralamt für Steuern XML RPC API

2.556 Descargas

new_cms_scanner 0.13.7

Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners

1.069 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.656.115

Para esta versión 838.237


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.3
