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Dépendances inversées pour minitest-spec-rails Latest version of the following gems require minitest-spec-rails

jsonapi-resources 0.10.7

A resource-centric approach to implementing the controllers, routes, and serializers ne...

6 409 589 Téléchargements

spreadsheet_architect 5.0.0

Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...

1 147 896 Téléchargements

fastly-rails 0.8.0

Creates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...

348 408 Téléchargements

cms-fortress 1.3.15

Comfortable Mexican Sofa (CMS) - User and role management extension

119 843 Téléchargements

activerecord-fb-adapter 1.0.3

ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 3 and 4 with support for migrations.

107 002 Téléchargements

push_type_wysiwyg 0.7.0

Provides a WYSIWYG editor to PushType CMS using Froala. Requires push_type_admin. PushT...

48 423 Téléchargements

firehose_integration 0.0.5

An easy way to get your data sent to Amazon Firehose

47 264 Téléchargements

stones 1.3.0

A collection of, hopefully, useful files.

44 964 Téléchargements

post_pusher 1.2.1

A tool to run a set of tasks after deploys

44 696 Téléchargements

active_snapshot 0.3.2

Dead simple snapshot versioning for ActiveRecord models and associations.

37 669 Téléchargements

api_versioning 0.0.9

API versioning for rails projects. An extraction from the project

34 528 Téléchargements

wacky 0.1.5

A wiki engine for rails

24 329 Téléchargements

two_factor_cookies 0.1.8

The aim is to be configurable and work with as many kinds of authentication as possible.

21 713 Téléchargements

rate_limiter 0.1.0

Adds creation rate limiting to ActiveRecord models.

19 072 Téléchargements

self_systeem 0.1.0

System testing by recording actual user interactions

15 698 Téléchargements

umlaut_borrow_direct 1.0.2

Umlaut plugin for BorrowDirect linking

13 896 Téléchargements

elfproef_plan 0.0.6

validate dutch social security- and bank-account- numbers

11 666 Téléchargements

universal_identifiable 0.1.0

Make your model uniq and identifiable through a readable name.

8 844 Téléchargements

authr 0.1.1

Mountable engine with user management and authenthication in your API.

6 381 Téléchargements

blogy 0.1.1

Mountable engine with blog management in your API.

6 085 Téléchargements

ranked-model-hstore 0.0.2

Variation of ranked-model using Pg HStore.

4 899 Téléchargements

prototypical 0.0.2

Adds simple prototyping to Rails application via a secondary template folder.

4 820 Téléchargements

cherrypick 0.1.0

Set of mixins, services and helpers for Rails as an Engine.

3 375 Téléchargements

ebs_payment 1.0.2

This gem helps to integrate your Rails app with EBS SDK

3 361 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 10 998 900

Pour cette version 2 488 305



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
