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narray 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 narray


'ulla' is a program for calculating environment-specific substitution tables from user ...

19,177 下載

quasi 0.0.6

A gem for Low Discrepancy Sequences

17,750 下載

quasi 0.0.6

A gem for Low Discrepancy Sequences

17,750 下載

hmm 0.2.0

This project is a Ruby gem ('hmm') for machine learning that natively implements a (som...

16,167 下載

hmm 0.2.0

This project is a Ruby gem ('hmm') for machine learning that natively implements a (som...

16,167 下載

unifiedPlot 0.0.6

single interface to line-plotting data in [] or NArray

14,211 下載

finite_mdp 0.4.0

This library provides several ways of describing a finite Markov Decision Process (MDP)...

13,657 下載

OpenMatriX 0.2.5

Open Matrix Ruby API

13,547 下載

pgplot 0.2.0

PGPLOT wrapper for Ruby

11,074 下載

veritascrmod 0.3.1

A CodeRunner module for the Veritas Vlasov Solver

10,685 下載

license_matcher 0.3.2

LicenseMatcher is rubygem, which uses Fosslim to match various OSS license with cor...

10,460 下載

semin-egor 0.9.3

A new ESST generator

10,153 下載

nlife 0.2.0

Game of Life with customizable rules on ncurses viewer

9,633 下載

numru-misc 0.1.2

Miscellaneous functions and classes to help Ruby programming. To be used in other NumRu...

9,526 下載

BioDSL 1.0.2

BioDSL is a Bioinformatics Domain Specific Language.

8,443 下載

jsvd-sequel_vectorized 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

8,140 下載

rpowerflow 0.5.1

Steady-state electric power flow program using Newton-Raphson

7,786 下載

music_detector 0.1.3

detects music on wave (.wav) file

7,453 下載

nifti 0.0.2

A pure Ruby API to the NIfTI Neuroimaging Format

7,254 下載

ruby-pgplot 0.1.6

PGPLOT wrapper for Ruby

7,243 下載


a multi-purpose class to handle Gridded Physical quantities.

7,237 下載

pest 0.1.0

Wrappers to facilitate different classes of probability estimators

7,043 下載

nulin 0.2

A linear algebra library cooperating with NArray. This library calls blas and lapack ro...

6,876 下載


RubyNetCDF is the Ruby interface to the NetCDF library built on the NArray library, whi...

6,642 下載

gentooboontoo-ruby-fftw3 0.4.1

Fast Fourier Transforms by using FFTW Ver.3

6,525 下載

seapig-client-ruby 0.2.2


6,327 下載

plympton 1.1.1

A Gem to read program disassembly from a YAML dump. The YAML dump is generated from an...

5,541 下載

dicoms 1.2.0

Toolkit for working with DICOM image sequences

5,460 下載

scbi_math 0.0.1

scbi_math is a ruby gem based on narray to do some additional statistics,

4,989 下載

cross_entropy 1.1.0

Includes solvers for continuous and discrete multivariate optimisation problems.

4,889 下載

總下載次數 1,358,844

這個版本 995,992



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
