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semver2 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 semver2

jeweler 2.3.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

1,820,775 下载

albacore 3.0.1

Easily build your .Net or Mono project using this collection of Rake tasks. Albacor...

854,334 下载

pact_broker 2.110.0

A server that stores and returns pact files generated by the pact gem. It enables head/...

443,704 下载

deep_dive 0.3.7

When you have a system of objects that have many references to each other, it becomes a...

108,118 下载

bixby-common 0.7.1

Bixby Common files/libs

103,699 下载

juwelier 2.4.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

83,399 下载

ansible-powerplay 1.4.7

Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...

73,712 下载

tableware 1.0.0

A nice way of parsing text tables into Ararys or Hashes for clearer code. Great for tes...

58,808 下载

logirel 0.1.6

The gem works by having as its dependencies everything you need to get started with ...

43,375 下载

nuget_helper 1.0.1

Helper Gem to simplify work with nuget.

36,894 下载

kamelcase 0.0.2

This is a -- yet another -- super-simple monkeypatch of the String class to offer bot...

34,836 下载

physique 0.4.0

Beautiful builds for .NET projects

31,388 下载

snmpjr 0.3.3

Snmpjr aims to provide a clean and simple interface to use SNMP in your ruby code. It w...

29,456 下载

rubyneat 0.5.3

RubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...

29,331 下载

blocktrain 0.3.3

Train of fools

27,253 下载

chunky_css 0.0.5

Splits css into chunks by @media

19,007 下载

queue_ding 0.1.6

This roughly mirrors the functionaly of Queue in allowing you to queue messages to on...

17,279 下载

imap-filter 0.1.6

imap-filter is a Ruby implementation of an IMAP filtering application. it can handle ...

16,673 下载

fxruby-enhancement 0.2.3

The fxruby library is an excellent wrapper for the FOX toolkit. However, it reflects th...

15,255 下载

git-semver-cop 1.4.1

A tool that generates a pre-commit hook to enforce updated sematic versioning for each ...

13,395 下载

build_number 0.1.3

Library for storing and incrementing a build number in your local project directory.

12,696 下载

rzmq-enhancement 0.0.28

The ffi-rzmq wraps ZeroMQ nicely, but not in a Ruby-friendly manner. here, we take th...

12,440 下载

k-tree 0.0.8

This is a data structure to represent and manage k-trees, primarily created for use i...

11,335 下载

attr_pow 0.0.5

attr_pow gives you smart attributes. You may sepecify defaults, use attr_pow for hoo...

10,409 下载

mono_matrix 1.0.0

A simple way to control your Monoprice 4x2 HDX*** Created for use in https://github.c...

10,141 下载

aws_session_token 0.6.0

Tool to wrap AWS API to create and store Session tokens so that other commands/tools (e...

9,483 下载

list_to_columns 1.2.0

Given an Array of Strings, it formats it into columns to make it more compact for termi...

9,476 下载

justprep 1.2.5

justprep is a CLI tool implemented as a Ruby gem AND a compiled Crystal binary. It al...

8,732 下载

keepachangelog_manager 0.0.2 ( style) section updater for automated releasing

8,614 下载

orgmode-code-extractor 0.0.5

Orgmode Code Extractor extracts embedded code from your org mode files, to sepe...

8,605 下载

下载总量 1,354,226

这个版本 1,302,948


需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
