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Dépendances inversées pour sys-proctable Latest version of the following gems require sys-proctable

automate-standard-baseline 0.0.9

auomated standard baseline test

33 719 Téléchargements

sys-proctree 0.0.11

Discovers and kills process trees via analysing running process lists

32 391 Téléchargements

most 0.7.7

Most is a simple academic modular open software tester. Most, the Core is the main p...

30 557 Téléchargements

droonga-engine 1.1.1

Droonga engine is a core component in Droonga system. Droonga is a scalable data proces...

30 414 Téléchargements

riemann-smith 0.7.1

Integrate smith agent monitoring with Riemann

26 262 Téléchargements

cuboid 0.2.11

An application-centric, decentralised and distributed computing solution.

26 172 Téléchargements

thundercat 0.0.9

Easy way to deploy and monitor Rack applications as .rap archives

23 737 Téléchargements

restartable 1.1.1

Run code, Ctrl-C to restart, once more Ctrl-C to stop

21 876 Téléchargements

minitest-sound 0.0.8

Play a sound when test finished

19 028 Téléchargements

chef-metal-docker 0.4.3

Provisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Metal.

18 345 Téléchargements

pidlock 0.2.1

Used for locking processes via PID and file (daemon style).

17 630 Téléchargements

dynosaur 0.3.1

Run a rake task in a separate process (locally or on Heroku)

16 903 Téléchargements

batchbase 0.0.6

oreore batch base class

16 216 Téléchargements

compute_unit 0.5.1

A ruby library that searches the linux sysfs file system for compute unit devices such ...

15 444 Téléchargements

w-stdlib 0.1.1

Pre-alpha package that contains abstractions that I find useful when scripting. Not sui...

13 891 Téléchargements

sensu-plugins-docker-swarm 3.3.6

This plugin provides native Docker instrumentation for mo...

13 013 Téléchargements

dyn-ruby-win32daemon 0.1.1

Managing dyn daemon.

12 238 Téléchargements

shamebot 1.0.4

Shame users who commit with bad messages.

11 923 Téléchargements

ssh-locate 0.4.0

A CLI tool and its associated Ruby library that help you locate and reconnect to a runn...

9 891 Téléchargements

xscreen_usb_unlocker 0.91.0

A CLI tool that scans your usb ports for a device, then locks/unlocks xscreensaver.

9 715 Téléchargements

kamisama 0.1.0

Start, monitor, and observe background worker processes, from Ruby.

9 658 Téléchargements

smith-datadog 0.7.4

Integrate smith agent monitoring with Datadog

8 564 Téléchargements

ext_batch 0.1.4

Depending on the ext_logger gem package, create for batch. The batch resource consumpti...

8 210 Téléchargements

vagrant-tools 0.1.2

Vagrant CLI configuration management tool for Unix

7 918 Téléchargements

single_running_checker 0.2.1

strongly single task running

7 592 Téléchargements

guard-faye 0.1.1

This plugin automatically starts and restart Faye message server under Guard

6 752 Téléchargements

guard-faye 0.1.1

This plugin automatically starts and restart Faye message server under Guard

6 752 Téléchargements

cb_sensu_check_processes 0.0.6

Sensu plugins for checking running processes

6 552 Téléchargements

fintop 0.0.2

Fintop is a top-like monitoring tool Finagle servers

6 371 Téléchargements

spawncamp 0.0.4

Small library for spawning and managing child processes

5 722 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 18 214 567

Pour cette version 1 086 848



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
