RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para zeitwerk La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren zeitwerk


Rails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks.

515.576.753 Descargas


Structure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...

348.804.318 Descargas

dry-core 1.0.1

A toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem

123.952.028 Descargas

dry-logic 1.5.0

Predicate logic with rule composition

111.181.568 Descargas

dry-types 1.7.2

Type system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...

110.957.666 Descargas

dry-configurable 1.1.0

A mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes

109.542.581 Descargas

dry-validation 1.10.0

Validation library

61.613.777 Descargas

grape 2.1.0

A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.

58.263.001 Descargas

dry-schema 1.13.4

dry-schema provides a DSL for defining schemas with keys and rules that should be appli...

52.916.761 Descargas

html-pipeline 3.2.0

HTML processing filters and utilities

33.297.168 Descargas

dry-struct 1.6.0

Typed structs and value objects

32.253.278 Descargas

dry-monads 1.6.0

Common monads for Ruby

17.142.141 Descargas

with_advisory_lock 5.1.0

Advisory locking for ActiveRecord

15.351.324 Descargas

dry-auto_inject 1.0.1

Container-agnostic automatic constructor injection

14.488.746 Descargas

waterdrop 2.7.3

Kafka messaging made easy!

13.119.209 Descargas

karafka 2.4.3

Karafka is Ruby and Rails efficient Kafka processing framework. Karafka allows you...

12.516.572 Descargas

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.29.0

A collection of test-related tools.

9.029.927 Descargas

vite_ruby 3.6.0

Use Vite in Ruby and bring joy to your JavaScript experience

8.326.375 Descargas

shopify_api 14.3.0

This gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of Shopify...

8.092.080 Descargas

app_store_connect 0.38.0

A Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API

8.013.859 Descargas

packwerk 3.2.1

Sets package level boundaries between a specified set of ruby constants to minimize cro...

7.854.658 Descargas

datadog_api_client 2.23.0

Collection of all Datadog Public API endpoints.

7.649.008 Descargas

cloudflare-rails 6.0.0

This gem configures Rails for CloudFlare so that request.ip and request.remote_ip and w...

6.668.819 Descargas

html-proofer 5.0.9

Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.

5.756.549 Descargas

gitlab-qa 14.10.0

Integration tests for GitLab

5.278.314 Descargas

nexmo 7.2.1

Nexmo Client Library for Ruby

4.450.658 Descargas

ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0

A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...

4.337.927 Descargas

gruf 2.20.0

gRPC Ruby Framework for building complex gRPC applications at scale

4.090.859 Descargas

metasploit-concern 5.0.2

Automatically includes Modules from app/concerns//.rb in...

2.639.084 Descargas

lookbook 2.3.1

A native development UI for ViewComponent

2.509.651 Descargas

Total de descargas 366.919.567

Para esta versión 288.097



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5
