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activemerchant 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 activemerchant

saasaparilla 0.2.2

Simple SAAS through

16,079 下载

activemerchant-payway 0.0.2

ActiveMerchant PayWay Plugin

16,058 下载

active_merchant_allpay 0.1.4

A rails plugin to add active_merchant patch for Taiwan payment

15,627 下载

acts_as_subscription 0.0.2

With ActsAsSubscription, you can hook your model into several subscription services, su...

15,489 下载

gimme_gimme 0.3.3

A Rails engine that handles credit cards for and Braintree using ActiveMe...

15,476 下载

railscart 0.0.4

Build commerce applications for Ruby on Rails

15,027 下载

active_paypal_adaptive_accounts 0.0.2

This library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.

14,779 下载

killbill-braintree_blue 0.3.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for BraintreeBlue.

12,847 下载

ecart 1.0.0

Setup a fully functional e-commerce cart

11,038 下载

active_merchant_payu_in 0.0.1 Payment Gateway integration for ActiveMerchant

10,675 下载

active_merchant_spgateway 0.0.4

This gem integrate Rails with spgateway (智付通).

9,874 下载

activemerchant-anz-gateway 0.1.0

Provides an interface to ANZ for the Activemerchant library, fork of github@anujluthra'...

9,841 下载

active_merchant_sermepa 0.1.1

Add support to ActiveMerchant for the Sermepa payment gateway by Servired used by many ...

9,619 下载

activemerchant_alipay 0.0.2

Activemerchant patch for china online payment platform alipay

9,574 下载

lolita-paypal 1.0.2

Paypal payment plugin using ActiveMerchant for use with Lolita CMS

9,456 下载

active_merchant_payu_india 1.0.0 Payment Gateway integration for ActiveMerchant

9,149 下载

bean_machine 0.0.1

Accounting sucks. Well if you are trying to do it right it does. Bean machine gives you...

8,789 下载

secure_net_recurring 1.6.0

Standing on the shoulder of gem activemerchant,this gem implements SecureNet's AutoBill...

8,231 下载

simonmenke-active_merchant_ogone 0.1.2

A plugin for Ogone support in ActiveRecord.

7,721 下载

activemerchant-flexpay 1.0.0

Active Merchant extension to support

7,610 下载

My-Commerce_core 1.1.0

Required dependancy for My-Commerce

7,533 下载


The Forge CMS dependency gem Ruby 1.9.

7,173 下载


The Forge CMS dependency gem for Ruby 2.0.

6,741 下载


When your customer doesn't want e-commerce but actually you need products, orders and a...

6,663 下载

activemerchant-argus 0.4.0

Active Merchant extension to support Inovio payment gateway (f.k.a. Argus)

6,581 下载

trado_paypal_module 0.12.2

Module for Paypal payment functionality in the Trado Ecommerce platform.

5,858 下载

apispree_core 0.0.0

Required dependancy for API-Spree

5,674 下载

active_merchant_every_pay 1.0.2

EveryPay gateway for Active Merchant

5,589 下载

malbec 0.2.0

A parser and handler for incoming Intant Payment Notifications from Paypal.

5,526 下载

solidus_payu_latam 0.1.0

Adds Solidus support for payments with Payu Latam Gateway

5,263 下载

下载总量 18,807,085

这个版本 518,260



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
