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adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52

Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract the data from your ad server, ad networks, ad exchanges, and other ad partners. It is an open source alternative to [STAQ]( Say good-bye to spreadsheet. At the moment, this gem only focus on getting the data in. It is up to you how you would aggregate the data into your pageview & dfp/ad server data set.




  1. 0.2.52 August 16, 2018 (32 KB)
  2. 0.2.51 March 08, 2018 (32 KB)
  3. 0.2.50 March 08, 2018 (32 KB)
  4. 0.2.49 February 07, 2018 (32 KB)
  5. 0.2.48 December 06, 2017 (32 KB)
Show all versions (121 total)

Runtime Dependencies (14):

capybara ~> 2.7
cheddar ~> 1.0
httpclient ~> 2.8
http-cookie ~> 1.0
kaminari ~> 0.17
mail ~> 2.6.4
oauth ~> 0.5.3
phantomjs ~> 2.1
poltergeist ~> 1.10
rest-client ~> 2.0
roo ~> 2.4.0
rubyzip ~> 1.2

Development Dependencies (2):

bundler ~> 1.8
rake ~> 10.0



  • Stayman Hou

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 276,177

For this version 2,631

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
