RubyGems Navigation menu

arel 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 arel

postgres_ext 3.0.1

Adds missing native PostgreSQL data types to ActiveRecord and convenient querying exten...

3,580,528 下載

meta_where 1.0.4

MetaWhere offers the ability to call any Arel predicate methods (with a few conve...

201,128 下載

dossier 2.13.1

Easy SQL based report generation with the ability to accept request parameters and rend...

161,087 下載

active_list 8.1.0

Generates action methods to provide clean tables.

149,564 下載

flounder 1.0.1

Flounder is the missing piece between the database and your Ruby code. It allows v...

135,335 下載

mochigome 0.2.5

Report generator that graphs over ActiveRecord associations

120,169 下載

ferry 2.0.0

Ferry is a data migration and visualization command line tool rubygem that seeks to sim...

119,496 下載

roles_active_record 0.5.1

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in Active Record

98,900 下載

arel-to-sql 1.0.0

Adds to_sql to arel table and attribute.

97,564 下載

arel-is-blank 1.0.0

Adds is_blank to arel attribute.

96,948 下載

directiverecord 0.1.32

A layer on top of ActiveRecord for using paths within queries without thinking about as...

84,112 下載

retter 0.2.5

Flyweight diary workflow. ruby-1.9.2 or later is required.

50,102 下載

weighted_average 2.0.2

Perform weighted averages, even across associations. Rails 3 only because it uses ARel.

45,291 下載

httpsql 0.2.2

Expose model columns and ARel methods through query parameters in grape end points

44,433 下載


Compatible with mysql, sqlite, and postgres

37,432 下載

arel-mysql-index-hint 0.2.1

Add index hint to MySQL query in Arel.

37,412 下載

arel-pg-json 0.0.9

Arel nodes and vistor methods for Postgres Json datatype

34,874 下載

sqlcached_client 1.1.3

A Ruby client for sqlcached

32,441 下載

activerecord-blockwhere 1.0.3

Simply conditions DSL for ActiveRecord

32,049 下載

ar-sybase-jdbc-adapter 0.2.2

Adds support for limit and offset for Sybase ASE DB to activerecord-jdbc-adapter for Ra...

30,191 下載

ar-sybase-jdbc-adapter 0.2.2

Adds support for limit and offset for Sybase ASE DB to activerecord-jdbc-adapter for Ra...

30,191 下載

empty_eye 0.4.8

Active Record MTI gem powered by database views

30,056 下載

mongery 1.0.5

Convert MongoDB query to Arel for PostgreSQL + JSON

27,420 下載

wherewolf 0.8.0

Wherewolf allows you to consume search terms as strings without worrying about database...

25,986 下載

case_insensitive_arel 0.2.1

If you're using Oracle or another DBMS that has case-insensitive collation sequences, a...

25,334 下載

case_insensitive_arel 0.2.1

If you're using Oracle or another DBMS that has case-insensitive collation sequences, a...

25,334 下載

activerecord-datastore-adapter 0.0.4

Just an ActiveRecord Adapter for the Appengine Datastore. Create Rails3 applicatio...

24,170 下載

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22,914 下載

mytradewizard 0.0.8

Helpers for CME Group, Interactive Brokers, and Yahoo Finance

22,789 下載

cohort_analysis 1.0.3

Lets you do cohort analysis based on two strategies: "big", which discards characterist...

22,708 下載

總下載次數 312,182,053

這個版本 86,736,936




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.2
