RubyGems Navigation menu

builder 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 builder

akamai_api 1.2.0

Ruby toolkit to work with Akamai Content Control Utility API

376,484 下載

xml-sitemap 1.3.3

Provides a wrapper to generate XML sitemaps and sitemap indexes.

363,736 下載

aslakhellesoy-cucumber 0.3.104

Executable Feature scenarios

356,120 下載

rbvmomi2 3.7.1

Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API

340,145 下載

qbxml 0.4.0

Quickbooks XML Parser

322,321 下載

ruby-push-notifications 1.3.0

Easy to use gem to send iOS, Android and Windows Phone Push notifications

309,127 下載

markaby 0.9.3

_why's markaby templating language

307,738 下載

torquebox 3.2.0

TorqueBox Gem

304,416 下載

xero_gateway 2.7.0

Enables Ruby based applications to communicate with the Xero API

302,634 下載

debugger-xml 0.4.1

XML interface for debugger

290,980 下載

sinatra_more 0.3.43

Expands sinatra with standard helpers and tools to allow for complex applications

269,709 下載

robottelo_reporter 0.1.1

Generate tests report output compatible with robottelo py.test output.

260,261 下載

puppet-catalog-test 0.4.5

Test all your puppet catalogs for compiler warnings and errors.

250,026 下載

bcl 0.8.0

This gem contains helper methods for generating the Component XML file needed to upload...

246,951 下載

rainforest-cli 1.12.6

Command line utility for Rainforest QA

229,053 下載

maremma 5.0.0

Ruby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapp...

228,882 下載

ruby_vcloud_sdk 0.7.4

BOSH vCloud API client 92d56d

223,814 下載

camt_parser 2.16.0

A parser for the Camt file format

220,259 下載

trackerific 0.8.0

Package tracking made easy. Currently supported services include FedEx, UPS, and USPS.

216,644 下載


mass spectrometry proteomics, lipidomics, and tools, a rewrite of mspire, merging of ms...

215,812 下載

openstudio-workflow 2.4.0

Run OpenStudio based measures and simulations using EnergyPlus

215,009 下載

ruby-bandwidth-iris 7.3.0

Gem for integrating to Bandwidth's Iris API

211,035 下載

experian 0.1.2

Ruby gem wrapper for the Experian net connect API.

203,597 下載

almodovar 2.0.2

BeBanjo API client

199,749 下載

grac 4.2.0

Generic REST API Client

197,466 下載

boxgrinder-build 0.10.4

A tool for creating appliances from simple plain text files for various virtual environ...

188,624 下載

xml-kit 0.6.0

A simple toolkit for working with XML.

188,529 下載

representative 1.2.0

Builds XML and JSON representations of your Ruby objects

185,103 下載

gorp 0.28.2

Enables the creation of scenarios that involve creating a rails project, starting a...

183,060 下載

spark_api 1.6.2

The spark_api gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the Spark API ...

182,757 下載

總下載次數 632,730,743

這個版本 335,172,473



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
