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Dépendances inversées pour hoe Latest version of the following gems require hoe

atoulme-Antwrap 0.7.5

A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...

1 126 886 Téléchargements

autotest-rails 4.2.1

This is an autotest plugin to provide rails support. It provides basic rails support an...

955 598 Téléchargements

debride 1.12.0

Analyze code for potentially uncalled / dead methods, now with auto-removal.

946 120 Téléchargements

currency 0.4.11

Currency models currencies, monetary values, foreign exchanges rates. Pulls live and ...

882 943 Téléchargements

clbustos-rtf 0.5.0

The RTF library provides a pure Ruby set of functionality that can be used to programma...

733 109 Téléchargements

clbustos-rtf 0.5.0

The RTF library provides a pure Ruby set of functionality that can be used to programma...

733 109 Téléchargements

async_sinatra 1.3.0

A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...

722 634 Téléchargements

reportbuilder 1.4.2

Report Abstract Interface. Creates text, html, pdf and rtf output, based on a common fr...

651 730 Téléchargements

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

648 703 Téléchargements

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

648 703 Téléchargements

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

648 703 Téléchargements

dirty-memoize 0.0.4

Like Memoize, but designed for mutable and parametizable objects Use when: 1. You hav...

626 423 Téléchargements

rusage 0.2.0

A gem that calls getrusage to get details on the current process. Ripped out of the pr...

587 002 Téléchargements

namecase 2.0.0

NameCase is a Ruby implementation of `Lingua::EN::NameCase`, a library for converting s...

568 252 Téléchargements

spec 5.3.4

Modified minitest for Appium.

547 373 Téléchargements

textutils 1.4.0

textutils - Text Filters, Helpers, Readers and More

504 027 Téléchargements

rinruby 2.1.0

RinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...

502 283 Téléchargements

templater 1.0.0

Templater has the ability to both copy files from A to B and also to render templates u...

480 278 Téléchargements

ParseTree 3.0.9

ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse tree for an entir...

479 871 Téléchargements

datamapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

477 453 Téléchargements


Unified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.

448 801 Téléchargements

minitest-test 1.1.0

Minitest 5 test API in MiniTest 4

444 570 Téléchargements

s4t-utils 1.0.4

Unified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.

436 158 Téléchargements

ean 0.2.0

Provide validation/generation for UPC/EAN/GTIN numbers

402 838 Téléchargements

ruby-growl 4.1

A pure-ruby growl notifier for UDP and GNTP growl protocols. ruby-growl allows you to ...

397 459 Téléchargements

selenium-proxy 0.0.2

A DRB server program and client libraries for Selenium.

396 621 Téléchargements

newgem 1.5.3

Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your coll...

396 433 Téléchargements

newgem 1.5.3

Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your coll...

396 433 Téléchargements

dnssd 3.0.2

DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements browsing, resolving...

392 298 Téléchargements

props 1.2.0

props - Manage Settings Hierachies (Commandline, User, Home, Defaults, etc.)

371 431 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 8 451 779

Pour cette version 7 348



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7, < 4

Required Rubygems Version: >= 3.0
