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Dependencias inversas para influxdb La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren influxdb

embulk-output-influxdb 0.2.0

Dumps records to InfluxDB.

7.502 Descargas

speedup-adapters 0.0.6

SpeedUpRails is written in hope it will help develop faster rails applications.

7.381 Descargas

influxdb-async_queue 0.1.2

influxdb-async_queue is an attempt to optimize influxdb interactions by aggregating met...

6.074 Descargas

capistrano-influx 0.3.0

Store successful deploy info in InfluxDB.

6.038 Descargas

fluent-plugin-f5-beacon 0.0.4

F5 Beacon output plugin for Fluentd

6.005 Descargas

influx_orm 0.1.2

A simple InfluxDB ORM

5.749 Descargas

asklytics-influxdb-rails 1.0.0

Instrumentation of rails app

4.331 Descargas

telemetria 0.1.1

Ruby Agent to collect and send data for Telemetria

4.031 Descargas

influxdb-process 0.2.0

Ruby process instrumentation to an InfluxDB database

3.843 Descargas

sneakers-influxdb 0.1.1

InfluxDB metrics for Sneakers workers

3.687 Descargas

embulk-output-influxdb08 0.1.1

Dumps records to InfluxDB v0.8.

3.619 Descargas

mysqlcollector 0.1.0

MySQL Collector is a Ruby Gem and command line tools, written for UNIX-like operating s...

3.612 Descargas

lex-influxdb 0.1.2

Used to connect Legion to influxdb

3.367 Descargas

influxdb-metrics 0.0.1

Track metrics for your Rails app with InfluxDB.

3.073 Descargas

endcollector 0.0.18

Nagios and JIRA stats collector >> InfluxDB. WARNING! This gem is in DEEP, DEEP b...

2.712 Descargas

endcollector 0.0.18

Nagios and JIRA stats collector >> InfluxDB. WARNING! This gem is in DEEP, DEEP b...

2.712 Descargas

metrux 1.0.0

An instrumentation library which persists the metrics on InfluxDB.

2.631 Descargas

ringflux 0.0.1

This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to publish metrics to InfluxDB

2.360 Descargas

data_harvester 0.1.1

Allows aggregating results of Rspec tests in one location

2.163 Descargas

influxdb_data_harvester 0.2.0

Allows aggregating results of Rspec tests into InfluxDB

2.137 Descargas

rmetrics 0.1.0

Catch and send your rails metrics to your influx database.

2.027 Descargas

Total de descargas 13.069.060

Para esta versión 2.237.054



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2.0
