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Dépendances inversées pour influxdb Latest version of the following gems require influxdb

embulk-output-influxdb 0.2.0

Dumps records to InfluxDB.

7 489 Téléchargements

speedup-adapters 0.0.6

SpeedUpRails is written in hope it will help develop faster rails applications.

7 374 Téléchargements

influxdb-async_queue 0.1.2

influxdb-async_queue is an attempt to optimize influxdb interactions by aggregating met...

6 063 Téléchargements

capistrano-influx 0.3.0

Store successful deploy info in InfluxDB.

6 031 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-f5-beacon 0.0.4

F5 Beacon output plugin for Fluentd

5 992 Téléchargements

influx_orm 0.1.2

A simple InfluxDB ORM

5 738 Téléchargements

asklytics-influxdb-rails 1.0.0

Instrumentation of rails app

4 324 Téléchargements

telemetria 0.1.1

Ruby Agent to collect and send data for Telemetria

4 026 Téléchargements

influxdb-process 0.2.0

Ruby process instrumentation to an InfluxDB database

3 836 Téléchargements

sneakers-influxdb 0.1.1

InfluxDB metrics for Sneakers workers

3 681 Téléchargements

embulk-output-influxdb08 0.1.1

Dumps records to InfluxDB v0.8.

3 615 Téléchargements

mysqlcollector 0.1.0

MySQL Collector is a Ruby Gem and command line tools, written for UNIX-like operating s...

3 608 Téléchargements

lex-influxdb 0.1.2

Used to connect Legion to influxdb

3 360 Téléchargements

influxdb-metrics 0.0.1

Track metrics for your Rails app with InfluxDB.

3 069 Téléchargements

endcollector 0.0.18

Nagios and JIRA stats collector >> InfluxDB. WARNING! This gem is in DEEP, DEEP b...

2 708 Téléchargements

endcollector 0.0.18

Nagios and JIRA stats collector >> InfluxDB. WARNING! This gem is in DEEP, DEEP b...

2 708 Téléchargements

metrux 1.0.0

An instrumentation library which persists the metrics on InfluxDB.

2 627 Téléchargements

ringflux 0.0.1

This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to publish metrics to InfluxDB

2 357 Téléchargements

data_harvester 0.1.1

Allows aggregating results of Rspec tests in one location

2 158 Téléchargements

influxdb_data_harvester 0.2.0

Allows aggregating results of Rspec tests into InfluxDB

2 133 Téléchargements

rmetrics 0.1.0

Catch and send your rails metrics to your influx database.

2 024 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 13 050 845

Pour cette version 2 220 711



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.2.0
