RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for irbtools Latest version of the following gems require irbtools

sym 3.0.2

Sym is a ruby library (gem) that offers both the command line interface (CLI) and a s...

356,301 下載

irbtools-more 3.0.0

irbtools-more not necessary anymore: looksee is now part of core irbtools and the other...

156,809 下載

zetabot 2.1.1

Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework

68,946 下載

register 0.5.5

This is a simple module-level registry for application globals. Use it to wrap global c...

66,409 下載

rollo 0.8.0

Strategies for rolling ECS container instance clusters.

22,856 下載

arduino-library 0.6.0

This library provides a convenient ruby API for representation of an Arduino Library sp...

21,807 下載

shhh 1.7.0

Store sensitive data safely as encrypted strings or entire files, using symmetric aes-2...

20,803 下載

ji2p 0.0.5

JRuby interface for I2P

19,383 下載

shack_kit 0.2.2

Set of HAM radio tools, currently limited to SP and SOTA-related stuff

9,597 下載

sym-crypt 1.2.0

sym-crypt is a core encryption module for the symmetric encryption app (and a correspo...

6,129 下載

attr_memoized 0.3.1

Memoize attributes in a thread-safe way. This ruby gem adds a `#attr_memoized` class me...

5,905 下載

turnstile-rb 3.0.2

Turnstile is a Redis-based library that can accurately track total number of concurrent...

5,394 下載

lita-lbcfg 0.1.2

Lita handler for manipulating Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers using the dd_spacecadet gem

4,736 下載

transient-model 0.1.1

Provides a simple DSL for defining non-persistent models

4,675 下載

elb2logstalgia 1.0.2

Translate AWS ELB logs to Logstalgia custom format.

3,980 下載

rmla 1.0

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

3,913 下載

puppy_money 0.1.1

Convert currencies using live exchange rates.

3,901 下載

dd_spacecadet 0.2.0

Rubygem for safely managing Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer backend servers

3,095 下載

poe-css 0.0.1

A better way to write item filters for Path of Exile.

2,351 下載

sigterm_extensions 0.0.4


2,242 下載

yelp-business 0.2.1

Provides and easy to use model wrapping Yelp Business

2,235 下載

總下載次數 466,637

這個版本 299



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0, < 4.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
