RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for listen Latest version of the following gems require listen

retriable 3.1.2

Retriable is a simple DSL to retry failed code blocks with randomized exponential backo...

235,594,530 下載

celluloid-supervision 0.20.6

Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.

113,797,157 下載

guard 2.18.1

Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.

101,192,750 下載

spring-watcher-listen 2.1.0

Makes spring watch files using the listen gem.

63,530,988 下載

rack-mini-profiler 3.3.1

Profiling toolkit for Rack applications with Rails integration. Client Side profiling, ...

53,363,574 下載

database_cleaner-core 2.0.1

Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.

49,719,933 下載

poltergeist 1.18.1

Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...

34,180,812 下載

react-rails 3.2.0

Render components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...

27,467,596 下載

jekyll-watch 2.2.1

Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` switch.

21,623,102 下載

launchdarkly-server-sdk 8.4.1

Official LaunchDarkly SDK for Ruby

13,847,452 下載

danger-swiftlint 0.35.0

A Danger plugin for linting Swift with SwiftLint.

7,893,586 下載


Foundation on Sass/Compass

6,878,717 下載

rerun 0.14.0

Restarts your app when a file changes. A no-frills, command-line alternative to Guard, ...

6,536,056 下載

utf8-cleaner 1.0.0

Removes invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars

5,007,909 下載

middleman-core 4.5.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

4,762,999 下載

danger-junit 1.0.2

Get automatic inline test reporting for JUnit-conforming XML files.

4,758,003 下載

danger-android_lint 0.0.12

A Danger plugin for Android Lint

4,236,482 下載

danger-xcode_summary 1.3.0

Show formatted xcodebuild output in your PRs.

4,050,838 下載

ims-lti 2.3.5

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

3,462,795 下載

danger-todoist 2.0.1

A danger plugin for spotting introduced todos.

2,919,039 下載

danger-rubocop 0.12.0

A Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Rubocop.

2,900,641 下載

onebox 2.2.19

A gem for generating embeddable HTML previews from URLs.

2,493,325 下載

danger-checkstyle_format 0.1.1

Danger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.

2,427,638 下載

calabash-cucumber 0.23.7

calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...

2,334,939 下載

ldclient-rb 5.5.6

Official LaunchDarkly SDK for Ruby

2,173,649 下載

contentful-management 3.10.0

Ruby client for the Content Management API

2,089,062 下載

fontcustom 2.0.0

Font Custom makes using vector icons easy. Generate icon fonts and supporting templates...

1,974,858 下載

danger-swiftformat 0.9.0

A danger plugin for checking Swift formatting using SwiftFormat.

1,916,085 下載

run_loop 4.9.1

The bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.

1,821,059 下載

danger-jira 0.9.1

A Danger plugin to link JIRA issues to a pull request.

1,743,659 下載

總下載次數 258,967,102

這個版本 2,541,288



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4.0
