RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para minitest-colorin La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren minitest-colorin

asynchronic 4.0.3

DSL for asynchronic pipeline

73.599 Descargas

rasti-app 11.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

65.969 Descargas

rasti-db 4.2.0

Database collections and relations

54.364 Descargas

timing 0.2.7

Time utils

44.734 Descargas

rasti-web 2.1.0

Web blocks to build robust applications

38.779 Descargas

eternity 4.0.0

Distributed database version control system

34.957 Descargas

datacenter 0.5.1

Manage and monitor servers and processes

33.643 Descargas

rasti-form 6.0.0

Forms validations and type casting

28.707 Descargas

hash_ext 0.6.2

Hash extensions without monkey patching

27.582 Descargas

restruct 1.1.0

Redis structures

16.052 Descargas

spool 1.0.5

Manage and keep alive pool of processes

13.843 Descargas

broadcaster 1.0.2

Broadcasting based on Redis PubSub

13.430 Descargas

consty 1.0.3

Convert strings and symbols to constants in specific namespace

13.271 Descargas

rasti-web-broadcaster 2.0.0

Enable server sent events with rack middleware implemented over Faye and Broadcaster (R...

12.611 Descargas

bindy 0.0.5

Context binding for functions evaluation

12.603 Descargas

rasti-types 2.0.1

Type casting

11.393 Descargas

excel_utils 1.3.1

Excel utils for easy read and write

11.128 Descargas

hierarchical_graph 1.1.1

Hierarchical graph representation

9.159 Descargas

redic-sentinels 0.3.0

Redic::Sentinels is a wrapper for the Redis client that fetches configuration details f...

7.454 Descargas

simple_profiler 0.2.0

Simple Profiler

7.320 Descargas

rasti-model 2.0.0

Domain models with typed attributes

6.620 Descargas

rasti-enum 1.0.1

Enum objects

5.145 Descargas

string_ext 0.1.1

String utils for accented and special chars

5.077 Descargas

sequel-pg_defer_constraints 1.0.0

Disable and enable PG constraints

4.289 Descargas

class_ancestry_sort 0.1.0

Topological sort for classes using ancestors as dependencies

3.485 Descargas

working_calendar 0.1.1

Working calendar specification

2.902 Descargas

resque-one 1.1.0

Resque plugin to specify uniq jobs with the same payload per queue

1.959 Descargas

active_record-pg_reconnect 1.0.0

Automatic reconnection for Postgres

1.404 Descargas

minitest-extended_assertions 1.0.0

Extended assertions for Minitest

1.355 Descargas

cassandra_db 1.0.0

Cassandra DB adapter inspired on Sequel

1.125 Descargas

Total de descargas 23.000

Para esta versión 9.434



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
