RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for net-ssh-gateway Latest version of the following gems require net-ssh-gateway

net-ssh-multi 1.2.1

Control multiple Net::SSH connections via a single interface.

20,270,295 下載

test-kitchen 3.6.0

Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and ...

7,737,766 下載

bosh_cli 1.3262.26.0


1,862,967 下載

sauce 3.7.2

[DEPRECATED] A Ruby helper for running tests in Sauce Labs' browser testing cloud servi...

1,491,441 下載

ztk 3.3.2

Zachary's Tool Kit contains a collection of reusable classes meant to simplify developm...

708,522 下載

chef-provisioning 2.7.6

A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.

453,992 下載

infrataster 0.3.2

Infrastructure Behavior Testing Framework

448,841 下載

xlogin 0.16.10

login to any devices with ease.

242,390 下載

mobilize-ssh 1.390

mobilize-ssh allows you to automate ssh commands and files across hosts

234,986 下載

dpl-openshift 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

209,133 下載

photocopier 1.4.1

Photocopier provides FTP/SSH adapters to abstract away file and directory copying.

196,356 下載

elastic_beans 1.3.1

a CLI that replaces the Elastic Beanstalk CLI, which looks great on the surface but is ...

149,339 下載

prof 0.44.0

A gem to test Cloud Foundry service brokers

125,270 下載

kanrisuru 1.0.0

Kanrisuru helps manage remote servers with objected oriented ruby. Results come ba...

102,948 下載

arql 0.4.0

Use ActiveRecord and Pry as your favorite SQL query editor.

97,662 下載

screwcap 0.8.3

Screwcap is a library that wraps Net::SSH and makes it easy to perform actions on remot...

92,202 下載


Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

86,112 下載

auger 1.4.6

Auger: test-driven ops

79,946 下載

saucelabs-adapter 0.9.2

This gem augments Test::Unit and Polonium/Webrat to run Selenium tests in the cloud.

79,522 下載

docker-armada 2.14.1

Deploy utility for docker containers

72,012 下載

ridley-connectors 2.4.0

A Connector API for talking to nodes managed by Chef

66,584 下載

elsewhere 0.6

Yet another way to run stuff remotely

66,571 下載

travis-chef 0.0.16

Script to automate Chef deployments from Travis

64,269 下載

aerosol 1.10.0

Instance-based deploys made easy

56,743 下載

smartos-manager 1.5.6


53,269 下載

the-maestro 0.4.2

Maestro is a cloud provisioning, configuration, and management utility for your Ruby an...

52,439 下載

blower 7

Really simple server orchestration

48,856 下載

clc-fork-chef-metal 0.14.alpha.10

A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.

45,296 下載

hansolo 0.1.12

Tool to automate deployment using chef-solo and berkshelf

39,715 下載

notifyor 0.8.1

Notifyer creates growl notifications on your desktop if something happens in your Rails...

38,469 下載

總下載次數 50,386,128

這個版本 20,840,694



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
