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puppet-lint 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 puppet-lint

cardboard 3.0.0

Development tools for Boxen's puppet modules.

58,216 下载

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.6 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

55,066 下载

puppet-lint-explicit_hiera_class_param_lookup-check 0.1.2

Extends puppet-lint to ensure there are no explicit calls to hiera() in the class p...

48,184 下载

puppet-check 2.3.0

Puppet Check is a gem that provides a comprehensive, streamlined, and efficient analysi...

47,905 下载

puppet-magnum 4.1.1

puppet-magnum - a tool for rapid, consistent, and best practice Puppet module development.

46,545 下载

puppet-lint-class_parameter-check 0.3.0

A puppet-lint plugin that checks class parameters. Class parameters should be split in ...

46,147 下载

puppet-lint-wmf_styleguide-check 1.1.4

A puppet-lint plugin to check that the code adheres to the WMF coding guidelines: ...

38,896 下载

puppet-lint-security-plugins 0.2.0

Checks puppet manifests for security related problems.

37,220 下载

puppet-sec-lint 1.0.0

Linter built to detect potential security vulnerabilities in Puppet manifests code. It ...

36,508 下载

puppet-lint-use_ensure_packages-check 0.0.2

A puppet-lint plugin to check that contains if ! defined (Package statements.

35,582 下载

puppet-lint-extended 1.0.1

Extends puppet-lint with additional checks.

35,432 下载

puppet-lint-global_resource-check 0.3.2

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests have no global resources.

34,126 下载

puppet-qatools 1.0.0

Meta package for the Puppet Quality Assurance toolchain

30,563 下载

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.6 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

26,946 下载

puppet-ci-testing 0.17.0

Create an end to end CI workflow for integrating Puppet module testing and publication.

26,802 下载

puppet-lint-cuddled_else-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files do not have cuddled else blocks.

24,792 下载

puppet_auditor 0.2.0

A tool to audit puppet manifests against a set of defined rules

22,962 下载

puppet-lint-racism_terminology-check 1.0.3

A puppet-lint extension that warns when you use racist terminology in your code. S...

22,738 下载

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.7 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

19,875 下载

puppet-validator 0.1.1

Puppet Validator is a simple web service that accepts arbitrary code submissions and ...

18,817 下载

puppet-lint-resource_outside_class-check 0.0.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files do not contain resources outside of a...

14,572 下载

puppet-lint-usascii_format-check 1.0.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files contain only US ASCII.

11,045 下载

puppet-lint-class_alignment-check 0.3.6

A puppet-lint plugin to check & fix class params/equals alignment.

10,393 下载

puppet-lint-vim_modeline-check 0.0.3

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files end with a vim modeline as the last l...

9,134 下载

puppet-lint-file_line_match-check 1.0.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check whether all file_line resources have a match condition. ...

8,367 下载

control_spec_helper 0.0.2

Contains rake tasks and a standard spec_helper for running spec tests on puppet control...

7,639 下载

puppet-lint-recurse_file-check 0.2.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure file resources do not have recurse enabled.

7,295 下载

puppet-lint-reference_on_declaration_outside_of_class-check 1.1.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that a reference is made only on a declaration within the...

6,201 下载

puppet-lint-space_after_comma-check 1.0.2

A puppet-lint plugin to check that code in manifests have spaces after each comma excep...

5,019 下载

puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits--check 0.1.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check for classes and defined types that contain names beginnin...

4,275 下载

下载总量 19,050,389

这个版本 337,990



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7
