RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-given La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-given

params_collector 1.0.2

Checking, parsing and normalizing the expexted params.

6.779 Descargas

pressletter 0.0.2

pressletter is a tool for solving Letterpress puzzles. Using the `pressletter` bina...

6.658 Descargas

parse_decision 0.0.6

AMS Decision Log Parser

5.778 Descargas

domain_driven_rails 0.0.1

Domain Driven Rails provides Rails abstract classes and generators to support for a Dom...

5.778 Descargas

mumm_ra 0.0.2

Provides a way to access data via a Repository object.

5.770 Descargas

vigilem-core 0.1.0

Core components for Vigilem handlers and Converters

5.575 Descargas

alpha_pag 0.0.0

Simple helper method to add alphabetical pagination.

5.411 Descargas

exec_executor 1.0.1

The dead simple wrapper class for the `system` method

5.392 Descargas

vigilem-win32_api-stat 0.0.3

Stat(us) for whether or not Win32API is available

5.357 Descargas

fair_random 0.0.1

"Fair" random number generator

5.275 Descargas

stdout_outputter 1.0.1

The dead simple wrapper class for the `puts` method

5.172 Descargas

utter_events 0.2.0

Utter provides a standard API to allow any class to emit even...

4.975 Descargas

bunny_mock 0.0.1

Mocking library for Bunny

4.967 Descargas

ruby-avl 0.3

A simple AVL Tree implemented in Ruby

4.679 Descargas

one_up 0.3.0

Appreciate someone by sending them a one up.

4.543 Descargas

make-private 0.0.1

Make all active record properties private

4.289 Descargas

yard-method-decorators 0.0.1

Captures MethodDecorators in YARD

4.278 Descargas

legitable 0.3.0

Tables are easier to read. Legitable makes it easy to display plain text output in tab...

4.224 Descargas

in_every 0.1.0

In every will randomly execute the supplied block of code randomly. It guarantees the c...

4.224 Descargas

mother 0.3.0

Ever wish you had effortless, JS-like access to a deeply nested yaml?

4.142 Descargas

generic_view_mapper 0.1.2

Generalistic view layer to match and present incoming data

4.100 Descargas

decisiontree_n 0.4.1

ID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm

4.019 Descargas

flex_coerce 0.0.1

FlexCoerce - is a gem which allow you create operator-dependent coercion logic. It's us...

3.943 Descargas

quarto 0.0.1

Yet another ebook publishing toolchain

3.728 Descargas

mindreframer-dim 1.2.5

Minimalistic dependency injection framework keeps all of your object setup code in one ...

3.707 Descargas

shifty 0.5.0

Shifty provides tools for coordinating simple workers which consume a supplying queue a...

3.619 Descargas

cache_shoe 0.0.1

Easily add caching and invalidation to RESTful clients

3.557 Descargas

srvy 0.0.1

SRV-based service discovery

3.458 Descargas

vigilem-evdev 0.1.3

Evdev bindings and DOM adapter for Vigilem

3.436 Descargas

vigilem-support 0.0.9

Support for Vigilem

3.398 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.626.294

Para esta versión 201.008



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
