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Dépendances inversées pour salsify_rubocop Latest version of the following gems require salsify_rubocop

goldiloader 5.2.2

Automatically eager loads Rails associations as associations are traversed

6 315 078 Téléchargements

avromatic 5.0.0

Generate Ruby models from Avro schemas

3 573 951 Téléchargements

avro-builder 2.0.0

Ruby DSL to create Avro schemas

3 488 332 Téléchargements

avro_schema_registry-client 0.5.0

Client for the avro-schema-registry app

3 401 238 Téléchargements

avro-resolution_canonical_form 0.6.0

Unique identification of Avro schemas for schema resolution

3 319 429 Téléchargements

safer_rails_console 0.8.0

This gem makes Rails console sessions less dangerous in specified environments by warni...

763 464 Téléchargements

omniauth-multi-provider 0.4.0

OmniAuth support for multiple providers of an authentication strategy

562 944 Téléchargements

delayed_job_worker_pool 1.0.0

Worker process pooling for Delayed Job

477 459 Téléchargements

delayed_job_heartbeat_plugin 0.5.0

Delayed::Job plugin to unlock jobs from dead workers

287 888 Téléchargements

avrolution 0.9.0

Support for the evolution of Avro schemas stored in a schema registry.

130 762 Téléchargements

delayed_job_groups_plugin 0.10.1

Aggregates Delayed::Job jobs into groups with group level management and lifecycle call...

125 064 Téléchargements

heroku_rails_deploy 0.4.5

Simple deployment of Rails app to Heroku

42 477 Téléchargements

rails_multitenant 0.19.0

Handles multiple tenants in a Rails environment

42 139 Téléchargements

postgres-vacuum-monitor 0.16.0

Queries ActiveRecord DBs for info regarding auto vacuum processes and long running quer...

26 850 Téléchargements

offline-sort 0.2.0

Offline sort for any enumerable with pluggable serialization strategies

22 020 Téléchargements

net-http-report 0.3.0

Monkey patches the Net::HTTP standard library to add the HTTP REPORT Request class that...

14 174 Téléchargements

activerecord-forbid_implicit_connection_checkout 2.0.0

Optionally prevents threads from checking out activerecord connections.

13 655 Téléchargements

salsify-gtin 0.2.1

Validates and converts GTIN variants to standardized GTIN-14 representation

6 970 Téléchargements

salsify_devx_test_gem 0.0.3

Public gem to test release tooling for

4 913 Téléchargements

ruby-exclaim 0.1.0

Ruby utilities for Exclaim UIs

3 920 Téléchargements

tree_reject 2.0.0

Remove deeply nested keys from hash.

3 915 Téléchargements

logstash-codec-avro-data-file 0.2.0

Codec for parsing avro data files

3 536 Téléchargements

delayed_job_chainable_hooks 3.0.0

Implement DelayedJob hook methods in multiple modules/job classes without overriding pr...

510 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 87 761

Pour cette version 340



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
