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sprockets 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sprockets

sprockets-commoner 0.6.5

Sprockets::Commoner uses Node.JS to compile ES2015+ files to ES5 using Babel directly f...

1,056,762 下载

gollum 6.0.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

803,592 下载

alchemy_cms 7.1.7

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.

785,981 下载

non-digest-assets 2.3.0

Rails provides no option to generate both digest and non-digest assets. Installing ...

779,846 下载

ember-handlebars-template 0.8.0

The sprockets template for Ember Handlebars.

773,447 下载

hogan_assets 1.6.0

Use compiled hogan.js (mustache) JavaScript templates with sprockets and the Rails asse...

727,131 下载

sinatra-asset-pipeline 2.2.1

An asset pipeline implementation for Sinatra based on Sprockets with support for SASS, ...

672,625 下载

simplecov-bamboo 0.1.0

Integrate SimpleCov results into Atlassian Bamboo CI server

618,795 下载

jasmine-headless-webkit 0.8.4

Run Jasmine specs headlessly

572,847 下载

bare_coffee 0.1.4

An Extension for Sprockets to enable --bare option for CoffeeScript's compiler. Thus, i...

543,568 下载

blade 0.7.3

Sprockets test runner and toolkit

507,096 下载

lhs 26.2.0

LHS ia a Rails-Gem, providing an ActiveRecord like interface to access HTTP-JSON-Servic...

494,634 下载

js_assets 0.1.2

Provide asset_path helper in javascript

482,508 下载

sprockets-export 1.0.0

A Sprockets directive for hassle-free UMD-style JavaScript module definitions.

480,049 下载

delayed_job_worker_pool 1.0.0

Worker process pooling for Delayed Job

465,114 下载

dashing 1.3.7

This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...

463,684 下载

skim 0.11.0

Fat-free client-side templates with Slim and CoffeeScript

432,316 下载

sprockets-derailleur 1.1.0

Speed up sprockets compiling by forking processes

426,102 下载

deprecations_detector 0.2.2

A tool to display deprecations in a simple way on a single HTML page.

368,631 下载

reverse_coverage 0.1.1

A tool to find what specs examples cover a specific line of code

365,232 下载

task_list 1.0.2

GitHub-flavored-Markdown TaskList components

353,406 下载

scrivito_editors 1.18.0

Scrivito Editors

345,469 下载

chai-jquery-rails 2.0.1

Adds chai-jquery plugin to rails asset pipeline

336,737 下载

mjml-ruby 0.4.1

MJML parser and template engine for Ruby

336,513 下载

sprockets-coffee-react 4.0.1

Preprocessor for Coffeescript with React JSX (CJSX). This gem makes it easy to int...

329,527 下载

hydra-editor 6.2.0

A basic metadata editor for hydra-head

324,348 下载

metadata_presenter 3.3.38

Service Metadata Presenter for the MoJ Forms product

303,285 下载

fanforce-plugin-factory 1.6.1

Everything needed to setup a new plugin on Fanforce

293,988 下载

smt_rails 0.3.0

Shared mustache templates for rails 3

292,130 下载

dartsass-sprockets 3.1.0

Use Dart Sass with Sprockets and the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline.

286,818 下载

下载总量 447,259,819

这个版本 11,988,722



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
