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Dependencias inversas para sshkit La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sshkit

capistrano 3.18.1

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

72.503.907 Descargas

airbrussh 1.5.2

A replacement log formatter for SSHKit that makes Capistrano output much easier on the ...

36.639.988 Descargas

capistrano-rvm 0.1.2

RVM integration for Capistrano

20.309.976 Descargas

capistrano-rbenv 2.2.0

rbenv integration for Capistrano

11.904.607 Descargas

sshkit-interactive 0.3.0

An SSHKit backend that allows you to execute interactive commands on your servers.

1.833.115 Descargas

rvm1-capistrano3 1.4.0

RVM 1.x / Capistrano 3.x Integration Gem

895.464 Descargas

capistrano-chruby 0.1.2

chruby integration for Capistrano

634.731 Descargas

sshkit-sudo 0.1.0

SSHKit extension, for sudo operation with password input.

539.574 Descargas

capistrano-secrets-yml 1.2.1

Capistrano tasks for automating `secrets.yml` file handling for Rails 4+ apps. This plu...

533.843 Descargas

centurion 1.10.2

A deployment tool for Docker. Takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on ...

264.404 Descargas

capistrano-unicorn-nginx 5.2.0

Capistrano tasks for automatic and sensible unicorn + nginx configuraion. Enables zero...

248.022 Descargas

luban 0.12.14

Luban is a framework to manage server automation and application deployment

239.732 Descargas

cloudstack-nagios 0.21.0

cloudstack-nagios generates nagios configuration and checks for monitoring CloudStack w...

189.741 Descargas

capistrano-postgresql 6.2.0

Capistrano tasks for PostgreSQL configuration and management for Rails apps. Manages `d...

181.885 Descargas

runbook 1.1.0

Runbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...

175.861 Descargas

gaptool-client 0.8.2

gaptool cli client

165.402 Descargas

capistrano-nodenv 1.1.0

nodenv integration for Capistrano

164.518 Descargas

capistrano-figaro-yml 1.0.5

Capistrano tasks for automating figaro `application.yml` file handling for Rails 4+ app...

153.859 Descargas

kamal 1.5.1

Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.

140.033 Descargas

cloudstrap 0.51.1.pre

Strapping Boots to Clouds

123.124 Descargas

cheftacular 2.15.5

Ruby gem for managing a chef stack. Primarily targetted towards rails stacks and is des...

108.935 Descargas

pvcglue 0.9.6

PVC_Glue description

83.565 Descargas

capistrano-wpcli 0.1.5

Capistrano tasks for managing Wordpress

82.327 Descargas

avst-cloud 0.1.42

Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers

71.058 Descargas

madscience 0.0.29

Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...

69.812 Descargas

capistrano-ndenv 1.2.0

ndenv integration for Capistrano

68.195 Descargas

capistrano-env 1.0.0

capistrano with environments

67.241 Descargas

capistrano-mb 0.35.1

Production-ready provisioning and deployment recipes for Rails 4 and Rails 5 stacks. In...

59.815 Descargas

capistrano-fiftyfive 0.21.0

This gem has been renamed to capistrano-mb

54.333 Descargas

handsome_fencer-circle_c_i 0.1.44

Obfuscate sensitive data in source control, expose it again for circle and then deploy

53.063 Descargas

Total de descargas 55.757.894

Para esta versión 5.062



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
