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station 0.5.16

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.

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  1. 0.5.16 - November 23, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  2. 0.5.15 - November 04, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  3. 0.5.14 - October 24, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  4. 0.5.13 - October 19, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  5. 0.5.12 - September 29, 2022 (50.9 MB)
Show all versions (95 total)

Runtime Dependencies (48):

activeadmin ~> 2.7
activesupport ~> 6.0
algoliasearch = 1.27.5
barnes = 0.0.9
bootsnap ~> 1.4
bugsnag ~> 6.13
chartkick = 4.0.5
coffee-rails ~> 5.0
colorize = 0.8.1
countries = 4.0.1
country_select = 6.0.0
devise ~> 4.7
diffy ~> 3.3
geocoder ~> 1.6
gmaps4rails = 2.1.2
greenhouse_io ~> 2.5
groupdate = 5.2.2
icalendar ~> 2.6
jbuilder = 2.11.2
listen ~> 3.2
lograge = 0.11.2
msgpack ~> 1.3
neatjson = 0.9
newrelic_rpm = 7.2.0
nokogiri = 1.11.7
octokit ~> 4.18
pg ~> 1.2
puma >= 5.3, < 6.0
rails ~> 6.1
railties ~> 6.0
readingtime = 0.4.0
recaptcha ~> 5.3
redis = 4.3.1
rest-client = 2.1.0
ruby-progressbar = 1.11.0
sassc-rails = 2.1.2
slack-notifier = 2.4.0
smartling = 2.0.3
split ~> 3.4
terminal-table = 3.0.1
titleize = 1.4.1
truncato ~> 0.7.11
webpacker ~> 5.1
woothee ~> 1.11

Development Dependencies (2):

rubocop ~> 1.16.0
rubocop-rails ~> 2.6


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  • Vonage DevRel

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Total downloads 105,039

For this version 871

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
